What's His Name?

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      "That was good!" Rose yelled from outside the booth. 

      "You think so?" I looked down at the ground.

       "Yes! You were amazing. You sing like an Angel." Ja'Mal smiled. I looked back at Rose. She looked as if she was about to tackle him. 

       "Is that everything?¨ I quickly ask Rose before she says something that she might regret¨

     "Um...yeah, that was it." Rose says in an bored like tone. She was still giving Ja'Mal the "stare". I look at my phone. The time read 8:37 pm. Dang, what time did I leave?

      "Well, I think I should go home." I gather my stuff and head out of the door. Going to the elevator, I hear my name being called right before I pushed the button to go down to the main lobby.

      "I'm glad I caught you before you left."Ja'Mal smiles and pushes the button to the main lobby. He is nice but he is kinda clingy. He is almost the complete different from.....um......what is his name?

      The elevator ride is not that short, but not that long. It was kinda awkward. Everytime I glanced at Ja'Mal, he would me staring right at me. I decided to break the awkward silence.

      "Umm....where are you going?" Wooooww, good job Nai (Note the Sarcasm). He laughs awkward.

       "To my apartment."

       "What apartment building?"

      "Storm Highs." My eye grew bigger.

       "What? Something wrong?"

      "No. Its just I live in the same apartment building."

       "So that means I can ask you for a cup of sugar when I need it?" He laughs hard. 

       "Wow. You aren't that good with jokes." We both laugh. We get off the elevator and walk out of the doors that belonged to the building. We silently walk to the subway tunnel. Waiting for the train, I look down at Ja'Mal's hands, which were in his pocket. I grab Ja'Mal's arm and pulled his hand out of his pocket and held his hand. The train comes. Still holding my hand, he waits for me to get on the train. We quickly sat down, and my eyes became heavy.


        We walk to the tall skyscraper like building. Today was weird. Just weird. I just can not remember his name. I know it is some body, because all I can remember are their stormy eyes. We stopped at the door that read "78". Ja'Mal kissed me on the forehead.

        "If there is anything you need, you have my number." And he left. I fumbled with the keys, trying to get the door open. When I opened the door, the room was a mess. The bed sheets was mess, an unfamiliar bra was on the ground, finger prints was on the wall, the shower was running, and the aroma was foul.  Then, there was an voice coming for the bathroom.




Ooooooooooh Okayyy. Well then XD


I just had to. I am so weird XD

Well I will see you laterrrrr! I will TRY and keep my schedule. Its currently 2:35 in the morning and I STILL HAVE HOMEWORK xc




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