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12:27 history class
Lydia was staring at him as usual, she couldn't help it, his light brown eyes that would gently glisten as the sun rays caught them, his hands that she had imagined intwining her own into since the day she fell for him, his smile that she would longingly stare at for minutes and minutes until people started to realise, his mouth, oh his mouth she would listen to every word that came from his defined lips and she fell slowly more deeply in love every second, his everything. He was stiles imperfectly perfect stiles that she loved more than anything in the world.

Everything about him was amazing and made her want to look at him even more, Which did seem weird but she didn't care because he wasn't exactly looking but when he did catch a glimpse of her gazing at him he would give a friendly smile and look down shyly.

Every once in a while she would look around and make sure her fellow classmates didn't see her being a complete dork over Stiles. Stiles Stilinski. She has had a huge crush on him since 7th grade but he doesn't like her that way, which she knows but hasn't actually brought herself to the realisation, that was the brutal truth.

She could never quite understand why nobody else loved him like she did. She didn't have a crush on him anymore, she didn't write on her notebooks "Stiles" or freak out whenever he would speak to her because it wasn't a stupid, silly, immature crush it was way more complicated, it caused her constant agony that she couldn't escape when he was in the room she loved him and love was painful.

Ignoring Stiles is what she usually does however she sits next to him in Chemistry and it's kinda hard not to acknowledge him as he's not so far away from her. He flirts, when he flirts it kills her because she just wants to jump on him and latch her lips on his lips until the end of time but she tries her hardest to not do that she doesn't know for sure if he doesn't like her but she's determined that he doesn't.

Not to mention he's been going out with Malia for a while and they seem to be having a great time French kissing right infront of Lydia's eyes. Yeah it's not the greatest but she's cried about that way too many times and she will not bring herself down to be seen as attention seeking.

Malia and Lydia where the best of friends after Allison died. She knew all about the pain Lydia goes through on a daily basis loving that stupid dork called Stiles. When she went out with Stiles, Lydia didn't come into school for a few weeks so she could let her tears out onto her pillow instead of her textbook.

But she still can't help tearing up when she sees them holding hands and being cuddly with each other it breaks away more of her heart each time. It's what she had dreamed of doing for a while, holding him hearing his soft heartbeat when you lay your head on his chest.

Now Lydia knows that Stiles isn't in love with her the way she is In love with him, he loves Malia and she knows it. Lydia Martin will never be able to change his feelings for her. "As long as Stiles is happy, I guess. That's all that matters." Lydia whispered to herself looking longingly into her hands. The lesson was over and she couldn't wait to get home and think of ways to recover from a broken heart 💔.

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