Chapter 3

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A/N: here's an update! i just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for the 115 reads <3 love you guys xx

p.s: ATTENTION! Like i said before, all the characters are FICTION :) that means the boys characters might be a little bit different :)

anyways, please put your comment! i need to know what you guys think about this story xx

mel x


Chapter 3

Harry's POV

"So here's the deal, we....." I literally zone out when I heard the 'deal' word. Why on earth am I here? I was enjoying my day off when my phone rang and Liam told me to go to the office immediately. I groan internally when I figure out that we're having a meeting on our day off. Again. These people really have to rearrange our schedules. Its pissing me off.

"Mate, you okay?" Louis - who's the closest to me, ask me with a concern look on his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just knackered. I guess I drank too much..."

"Have you drunk you pills?" He asks with a joking-motherly tone.

I roll my eyes at his tone. "Yes, mum."

He looks relieved and says, "Good job, son! You don't know how proud I am to be your mama. I love you, son!" He wipes invisible tears on his eyes.

Soon, everyone's eyes are on us. Whoa. Are we that loud? I shoot a apologetic smile to everyone in the room and whisper, "I love you too, Pumpkin. But not here, they'll kick us out if we dare to make any noise again."

I catch a glimpse of light in his hazel eyes and before I can stop him, he stands up, puts him hands on both sides of his waist and screams, "Someone needs help!" He tears his shirt and screams louder, "SUPERMAAAANNN!"

With that, one of the security guards kicks us out and tells us to wait in the waiting room. Well, I don't mind because now I can finally tell Louis about my date.

"Okay. Now tell me, who is the lucky girl?" He said spontaneously.

"Well, her name is Cassandra, but she prefers Casey. She's beautiful, looks no where skinny but still beautiful. She's a brunette with deep brown eyes. Her so cute." I say.

"Ooooh! You fancy her! Aww, my cute little Harry is growing up! I can't bear to see this!" Here goes Louis with his motherly-act, again.

I stare at him until he chuckles lightly and finally having a serious expression on his face.

"You do fancy her, eh Harry?"

"I don't know, Lou. It's just...I can't get her off my mind. Her expression when she looks at her timeline and all the mentions..ugh. I hate seeing girls with that scared and insecure expression."

"Well, that means our song is supposed to be true! Girls really don't know how beautiful they are even if everyone in the whole world tell them so." He smiles. 

"Yeah, I supposed you're right. I never thought that song is real and not cheesy. I mean, a girl should be happy when someone tell her that she's beautiful. Girls are so confusing. Is El also like that?" I ask referring to his girlfriend, Eleanor.

"Well... You know that El was one of our fans before I met her. And when we got together, so many fans were pissed off and mad because El get to be with her idol as known as me. So they started to mention her with bad words, sending her ugly things. You know, like they're trying to make her leave and never come back to my life." 

He sighs before continues, "Thank God I found one of the letters a hater had been sending her. Otherwise, I wouldn't notice that things got so out of hand. I watched her broke down in front of me... and I felt really helpless. I couldn't get mad to the fans, but I also couldn't let them disturb my private life."

Omegle... You Really Change My Life (A Harry Styles Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now