Chapter 5 - Part 2

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I inwardly cringed "Oh i could imagine...." 

They all laughed a little.

"So, how are you liking Michigan so far? and how is it living with Daniel?" Katie asked politely.

"I've only been here for a day but it seems nice, everyone's been friendly so far, and as for living with Daniel, it's not too bad. He practically forced me to come here today." I answered.

"Well it's a good thing he did, otherwise we wouldn't have met you!" Melissa said enthusiastically.

I gave a small laugh and me, Alicia, Taylor, Katie and Melissa started talking about other things like school and music we liked and what we liked to do.

I could tell that these were a nice bunch of girl and we would get on well. I hadn't really spoken to the guys apart from Daniel, Cameron, Troy and Dylan but they all seemed nice.

About 20 minutes later the boys came back over to us after loosing their volleyball match.

"That wasn't fair! Max cheated, his foot was over the line!" Cameron huffed annoyedly.

"Dude, chill, it's only a game." Daniel told him.

"Whatever." Cameron replied quietly.

Typical boys; so competitive when it comes to sports.

"So what have you girls been doing?" asked Jake.

"Just talking, getting to know Olivia better." Katie answered freely.

Troy walked over to us, I assumed his shift had finished.

"Hey." He said to everyone.

"Hey, were just talking." Dylan said to him.

"Out of curiosity, why did you move here Olivia?" Jake asked me.

"Well, basically i was expelled from school for the second time and my mum decided she'd had enough so she sent me here." I explained.

"How do you know Daniel?"

"Our mums are friends." Daniel answered for me.

"Oh, right, cool. How long are you staying in Michigan?"

"I dont know actually; probably till the school year finishes."

"It'll suck when you have to leave." Alicia said.

"Yeah, it will. But lets have fun while you're here!" Melissa kind of shouted. "Come on guys, lets go for a swim now."

Everyone nodded in agreement then we made our way into the sea. The water was cooling and felt nice. We splashed around abit then i went to get some water.

I walked over to the shack and waited in the line. It was about 1:30pm now and it was really quite hot so the qeue for drinks was abit long. I looked over at the sea and saw all of Daniel and that lot still in the water.

"Hello again." a voice said from behind me. I turned around and saw it was Austin. I smiled at him and spoke.

"Hey again."

"You having fun?" He asked.

"Yeah its nice here, and the weathers way better than in England." I said thoughtfully.  

  "Hm yeah, I suppose it would be." He agreed, "So, Olivia, I was wondering, since you're new here, if you would want to go out tomorrow? I could show you around Michigan and stuff." He asked looking slightly nervous.    

Did he just ask me out? I think he just asked me out. A very very hot guy just asked me out. And maybe I should reply instead of just standing here staring.    

YES, obviously I'm saying yes; I mean, come on, who wouldn't say yes?    

Bettter play it cool, "Sure, i'd love to." I smiled at him.    

"Great. I already know where Daniels house is so ill pick you up at, lets say, 12ish?" He questioned again.    

"Yeah, that's fine." I replied.  

  "Awesome. I've gotta get back to the guys now, so see you tomorrow." He said with a boyish grin on his face.    

Well, I'd say that went pretty smoothly. And now I couldn't wait for tomorrow.

What if he was just being friendly though and its not a date? hm. I decided not to over think it and just got the water that I originally came for, then headed back to the girls and guys.    

"Why were you talking to Austin?" Alicia inquired boldly as soon as I reached them.    

Katie and Jake were off in their own little world further away from us, Daniel, Cameron and Taylor were messing around on the shoreline, so I was with Alicia, Melissa, Troy and Dylan.    

"Um, I was just talking to him, we met earlier on and he just asked me to go out tomorrow with him." I uncertainly said.    

"Oh no no no no. Dear, we don't socialize with him or them." She said.    

"Yeah, Daniel and all of us hate that lot." Dylan told me, "There's Austin, stuck up rich kid, Max, stuck up rich kid aswell, Adam, he's not too bad, and the witches Casey and Fran."    

"And they don't like us either, they think that they're better than everyone else just because their parents have tons of money." Melissa added.    

"Oh. So what am I supposed to do? I mean, Austin seems genuinely nice so I do want to go with him tomorrow."    

"Just go if you want to, as long as you don't get close with the others it doesn't really matter, but no offence I don't think the others will like you because you're living with Daniel." Troy said.    

"Right. Well if tomorrow goes badly I just wont hang out with him again." I said.    

"And if it goes well and you like it...?" Alicia asked.    

"I don't know, i'll just see what happens."    

"Suppose so," Melissa said, "now come on, lets go dry off."    


AN UPDATE?! yes shocking I know. I haven't updated in absolutely ages and im sorry. my updates are always months apart but I cant help it. and I cant say when im next updating either cause I have no clue

give me some feedback, vote, comment, message me, whatever but just do something ok? ok.

hope you liked this chapter, idk is it too short or?


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