Chapter 3 - Arriving.

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"Would you cut that OUT!" I turned around and whispered loudly to the little kid behind me who kept kicking my seat annoyingly.

"No." He replied stubbornly. In return I stuck my tongue out at him then turned around in a huff.

I was currenty sitting on a stupid, thomas cook, plane on the way to Michigan and some irritating, little boy, who should know better, was kicking the back of my seat and has been for the past half an hour while his mother was doing nothing about it even though she clearly saw. UGH! Also, there is a young couple next to me making out. Dont they need air or something?

"Passengers of flight 394, we are now in Michigan and will be landing shortly. Please turn your mobile phones and electronics off. Thank you." Said one of those plane attendance ladies.

Once I was out of the stuffy airport I got my Iphone out of my bag and called a taxi to drop me off at Aunt Cathys house. It wasnt coming for at least 5 minutes so I decided to go on facebook on my phone. I had a few notifications but they were only from people commenting on my status or liking photos. I updated my status aswell; it said: 'In Michigan, hope its good here.' It was really hot here, and really different to english weather. In England it was cold most of the time and the sun would only come out in summer and it still wasnt as hot as here. It's July though so i guess it's the beggining of summer.

The taxi pulled up 5 minutes later. I got in and gave the driver directions to the house. 24 Oak Tree Road. The driver, who looked around 40, said it would take about 10 minutes to get there. I sat back on the seat and looked out of the window; we were driving on a small road with trees surrounding it, the sun was bright and high in the sky. It was only 2:45pm so i figured that when i get to Cathys house i would:

●Introduce myself & meet everyone (if they're in). 

●Check out my room & unpack.

●Phone mom and dad.

●Eat something.

●Have a shower.

●Go on laptop & talk to Chrissy and Janey, maybe Jack.


Yup that was todays plan.

By now the taxi had pulled up to a big, white house with a brown, wooden door that had the numer 24 on it in silver letters. There were 5 windows on the front face; one downstairs next to the door, three in a row on the next level, and one long one on the top which im assuming is the attic. Overall, it looked tidy and well kept.

"Well here's your stop," the taxi driver said to me, "the price for the ride is $6.95 please."

I handed him a $10 note while saying "Thanks, keep the change aswell." He nodded and got my bags out of the truck. After that he drove off leaving me infront of Cathys house.

Nervously, I made my way up to the door with my bags dragging behind me. What if her and her family didn't like me? What would they think of me? Good things I hope. When I reached the door I pressed the little, circular doorbell and waited for someone to answer.

I heard footsteps coming closer to the door then it opened. Stood infront of me was Cathy, she looked just like i saw her last time; her blonde hair loose hanging down her shoulders, her blue eyes, and she was just a little shorter than me. She was 41 but if you didn't know her you would think she's between 35-38.

"Ah, Olivia welcome!" she smiled at me then pulled me in for a hug. "You look just like I remember but now you're all grown up."

"Yeah I suppose so." I laughed a little, "Its good to see you Aunt Cathy, how've you been?"

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