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I awoke the next day with Niall sitting across from me in a chair. "Good morning," He grinned, as I groaned.

"I thought this was going to be a bad dream." I sighed. Heartache and headache was all I felt.

"The other girls are downstairs making breakfast, since it's going to be your first day without getting knocked out I'll show you around. Sadly you're not one of mine." He frowned as he put two aspirins in my hand.

"Thanks, and what do you mean not yours?" I asked taking the pills swallowing them with some water.

"Well you see you were our last girl. Now we have 10 girls and each one of us lads have 2 girls. Even though that doesn't really matter. Harry usually tries to mess with all of the most 'outstanding' ones." He rambled.

I stopped him, "Wait who's mine?"

"Okay, since this is your first day, and I'm not like the other guys I'm going to help you out. Liam has a tattoo on his forearm and a weird hairstyle. I'm not sure what to call it." I nodded my head as he continued. "Harry, has curly hair, and he's growing it out currently." I shriveled up my nose in disgust. "Louis, I have to tell you one thing he's sassy. Telling by your character you might want to avoid him. Plus he's the one who threw you down the stairs. Before you interrupt the last one is Zayn. He's usually quiet. Don't test him, he has tattoos, okay I take that back everyone of the boys have tattoos besides me."

I tried to focus this, so now i know all the boys. But why do they want me here? Why me? I'm not your typical girl to throw herself at hot guys. "So why am I here?" I asked.

"We chose you. You were my pick, but Liam got you. Also don't talk to anyone of the guys unless you're talked too. Call us boys master, also listen to Liam over the other boys okay?"

I nodded my head, "This is going to be hard." I laughed quietly.

"Let me give you a tour yeah?" Niall asked. I shrugged my shoulders, "but first you need to change. The closet have outfits that you're required to wear every work day. You can pick, but depends on the job you get assigned, but most of the girls wear the sluttiest things." Niall laughed quietly. I groaned walking to the closet, that's let just say was huge.

My eyes scanned the clothes. They were terrible, not one band shirt or snapbacks. "What's with the lack of SnapBacks?" I asked as I pulled out a pair of leggings, with a white tank top, and a blue button up.

"You like snapbacks?" Niall asked as I made my way towards my personal bathroom.

"Yeah, who doesn't?" I asked shutting the door. I heard footsteps shuffle around the bedroom to the door.

"All the girls hate them," He sighed.

"I don't think I'm going to get along with them well." I sighed as I brushed through my hair. After I was finished I stepped out, Niall stepped in front of me causing me to jump.


"Okay listen, I can't act nice around you, or the girls will get mad. Also I won't be allowed to be around you. Be quiet, if I'm mean to you I'm sorry. Yes I am the nicest one here. If you're smart don't trust anyone. Us five know everything about each and every one of you. Don't let them take seriously, don't let them get in your head. I probably won't see you much, but I'll try. Okay?" He whispered quietly.

I slowly nodded my head. I opened the door for him as I followed shutting it behind me. "This is the basement, yours, mine, and one of the girls name Marie's rooms are down here. She's a bitch, but theres also a room, I myself wanted to add." He smirked pointing me out the rooms, as we walked past a lounge room to a dark oak door.

There was a lot of road sign stickers, and instruments on the door. He smiled at me excitedly as he opened he door to a huge gaming area. "No way!" I exclaimed pushing my way past him.

"Hey!" He shouted as I froze.

"What?" I snapped before I realized what I did. "Oh my! Niall I'm SO sorry!" He gave me a look.

"I mean, I'm sorry master." I muttered dropping my head.

"I just don't want the other boys taking you to the chamber." He sighed. "I don't want any of you girls going there, but I can't control them." He sighed shutting the door.

"T-The what?" You know most of the time I'm okay with stuff, I don't usually get scared easy. Well this happened to scare the shit out of me.

"Yeah, we decided to build a house, they wanted a chamber, to do stuff if you were being bad. Or not doing things how they pleased." Niall frowned heading towards the door.

I followed him as we heard footsteps coming down the stairs. Niall shoved me, "Maybe that'll teach you to mind your own business bitch!" He screamed at me as my eyes widened.

"Hey! Niall! Is Ava here giving you trouble?" The guy asked rushing over.

"No, she's okay Liam. Maybe I should show her around? You know so she knows where to stay out of!" He stated shooting me a death glare. Where the hell did this come from?

"Um sure, if it's okay with you the guys were going to give the other girls time off. So when your done we will meet in our 'office' for our grand introduction." Liam smirked heading back upstairs.

I slowly stood up, "I'm sorry, but stuff like that is only going to get worse." Niall frowned, as we made our way upstairs.

Yes I know this sucks right now, but I suck at starting books. But I have a really good feeling about this book.

{Marie on side}

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