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"Why me?"

I mentally face palmed as I was so anxious for the answer, I didn't think. I couldn't think.

"Why you? Well the other boys thought you'd be, hm, trouble making. Like you'd be good in the sheets, but not anywhere else." He laughed nervously as I shot him a dirty look. "And I told them, that's not that case. You have something to you. Something that no blog, book, or hacking device could tell us. So they let me pick you. So I still want to find out what's so special about you." Niall smiled grabbing my hand, slightly squeezing it.

I guess that's an okay reason, it's still not okay to come kidnap someone though. "We should do something, you know besides going to the plant shop." Niall smiled at me.

"Whatever you like to do master." I sighed.

"Well I can show you around town, I mean you do live across the world now."

"Wait what?" I exclaimed sitting up right in my seat. He gave me a weird look as if I was stupid. They never told us where we were.

"Yeah, you now live in London." Niall stated as I stared widely at the vast road ahead of us. I can't believe that! Man I had just bought my own place. I called my mom every night! How can I live across the world?!

My breath shortened as I grabbed my seat belt. Holding on to for dear life. Niall pulled the car to a stop on the side of the road. Undoing my seat belt I jumped out, lurching over the side of the road.

Vomit came out, as Niall ran to my side. "Sorry, I'm so sorry master." I stated placing my palm on my forehead. My body ached and shakes as Niall pulled me into a hug.

"Shhh, it's okay I didn't know you didn't know. I understand the nerves." Niall stated my as he held me between his arms. I regrouped as he swayed us back and forth. People must have thought we were insane.

{I don't know I like big long hugs where you kinda sway back, and forth idk I'm lame}

I pulled away as Niall smiled at me, "Okay?" I nodded my head heading back to the car. "Come on Ava! I wanted us to have a moment! I thought we had something!" Niall laughed getting in the drivers side.

"Thank you, master." I stated as Niall started the car up.

"New rule, do not call me master outside the house. I hate it, call me Niall, or hot stuff, anything besides what you call me in the house." Niall stated, causing me to laugh quietly.

Finally, after what had seemed like forever we pulled up to the green house. I gaped at how big it was, bigger then anything we've ever had at home. As I was looking through the window of the cars Niall came over to my side opening it for me, "Want to go inside? You know, instead of watching through the window." I laughed as I hopped out.

We walked inside to see tons of flowers, and vegetables. After awhile Niall picked out the seeds, while I had grown some premature plants. So we could get produce quicker.

{what do you even call that??}

As Niall payed I loaded everything into the car. "Thank you," I thanked Niall, as we began to leave.

"For what silly?" He asked as we waited to pull out.

"Buying all this crap!" I stated as he began driving further into town. Niall pulled up to a building that flashing lights flared from.

"And I'm not done," he smiled as ad walked into this building. Looking around it was an arcade.

"Why would you come spend money on an arcade. When you have one in your house?" I laughed as we got stamped in.

"Because this is our first date isn't it? I'll go get drinks, and pizza you go find a table." He smiled kissing my forehead. I felt my face go red as I picked an end table by the window.

I tapped my fingers on the table, looking around. Standing against a game station thing were a couple hugging, and kissing. Frowning I turned away, as Niall came back. "You okay Ava?" He asked as I nodded slightly.

He glanced over, and saw the couple I was looking at. He slide into the side of the booth I was sitting on. Leaning it he kissed my neck, sending shivers down my spin. "You know you're so beautiful. Way more beautiful then anyone here." Goosebumps covered my arms as he kissed me a couple more times. Wrapping my arms around his neck I pulling him closer to me, as our lips connected.

We pulled away, as Niall looked behind him. The couple was gawking at us as Niall smirked at me. "See? They weren't nothing special." Kidding one last time, before going to the other side.

"I just got us regular pieces, and Mountain Dew. Is that okay?" I nodded my head, as he handed it to me.

"Thank you again, Ni." He looked up, "I-I'm sorry, I meant Niall." I stammered.

"Hey, it's okay! You can call me Ni, it's cute." He smiled.

We soon finished, as we both got up as I went to throw away our stuff. Niall wrapped his hand around my waist. "I'm going to go get us some tokens okay?" I nodded my head as he kissed me lightly.

"I'm uh going to go to the bathroom, I'll be back." I smiled as he nodded. Shutting the big wooden door I walked over to the sinks. I stared at myself, as I washed my hands splashing some water on my face. I took a deep breath, before heading out of the bathroom.

I saw Niall grab the stuff off of the counter as I made my way over to him, "hey princess!" He smiled kissing me. Ah! All these kisses, and nicknames. What's up with it.

I smiled at him as he handed me a platinum cup filled with tokens. "I'm taking you on in dance dance revolution!" I smiled as I pulled him to the game.

"You're going to win, I suck at these games!" Niall stated as we put our tokens in.


"Come on another round!" Niall complained as I beat him for the fifth time. "I mean I pushed you off one time and you still beat me!" Niall stated.

I smiled at him, "Wanna go play something else?" He smiled kissing me, as we grabbed our stuff. I was walking around, as Niall pulled me into the photo booth.

"We need something to remember our date by!" He exclaimed as he payed, and waited for the countdown. I blushed as we both smiled for the first one.

Then we made silly faces, then he kissed me. Again. I stared at him, as he smiled at me. We just sat there for a bit before we got up moving through different games.


We soon spent all of our tokens, as Niall turned in or tickets. Niall picked out two stuffed grumpy cat stuffed animals. Niall grabbed my hand intertwining our fingers, as he led me back out to the car.

He opened the door for me, as I hopped in. As he got in himself he leaned over kissing me. But I couldn't refuse. No matter how much I wanted to.

So there we sat making out in some arcade parking lot. Niall pulled away giving me a couple quick pecks, smiling at me. "Thanks for being my pretend girlfriend for today." He stated. I nodded slightly before looking down.

Pretend girlfriend.

I don't know I liked this chapter

Names are on the pictures

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