The Visit

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I couldn't think. The only thing I did understand was three lashes, mate, crimes. I shook my head in protest. The public lashings that were displayed for the pack to witness was not something that was easily forgotten. Every so often, someone would be found guilty of a crime, and sentenced consequently. The Pack would gather voluntarily in public, as the screams of the guilty individual, rang in our ears, and the silver whip tore away at their flesh. The silver was meant to cause a slow heal

I could smell Eric behind me, inching closer as he ran his hand along the leather. The feeling hit me again just before his momentary sign of guilt, or compassion disappeared. He placed his finger in my hair and gently pulled back, as if he wanted to show no weakness or defiance, but intended to execute the punishment. I couldn't force myself to open my eyes, to look at him, or the others that nonchalantly stood around, but I could feel his breath on my ear. "Be grateful it isn't silver," He whispered.

Goosebumps involuntarily ran over my body as his hot hands gently touched the collar of the dress. He simply yanked at the fabric and it released its grip on my body. The fabric ripped at the zipper and fell loosely around my bottom.

I could hear him take a few steps back, as I lowered my head, and gripped the post for dear life. The seconds felt like hours, as I held my breath, anticipating the sting of the whip.

I knew what was coming next.

The sound of whooshed air filled the room, as fire slapped across my back. Tears fell from my eyes, as the sting of the blow, forced me to scream out in agony.

The second lashing, and a second glass-shattering scream hurled from my mouth. I shook, and cried out, as the stinging grew. The third and final lash and I slumped, releasing the post.

I could hear their footsteps, as they left the room. "We'll send her home, once she's healed," Lorena reassured, just outside the door. I sat chained to the post. 

The mix of my blood and sweat as my only company, as I slumped against the post, allowing my eyes to shut as I cried silent tears.


I fought against the hands that brushed my skin, as I jumped from my unconscious state. "Calm down." He ordered.

Amarog was now squatted in front of me, carefully unlocking my wrist. I dropped but was caught by his hands, before my head could hit the floor. My limbs had gone numb, from the position I'd been sitting in, and my muscles ached, but my back was pain-free.

I looked up to his face. "You're ok...I gotcha little wolf." He stated as he cradled my head. The dress hung loosely around my chest, as the cold marble floor cooled my back. I quickly reached around to the assess the damage, but my fingers were numb. "It's ok, you've healed nicely." He patted, examining my back for me.

I stood with his help, but my feet tingled as the blood rushed to revive them, and I struggled to stand. He caught me in his arms and held me until I could stand alone.

"There are clothes on the table there, get dressed. I'll take you home." He said, leaving the room.

I slowly stepped forward grabbing the sweatpants, and T, and pushed the ruined dress down. I quickly threw on the outfit and stepped towards the door. I walked out to a dark hallway and a quiet house.

Amarog waited by a black SUV. He helped me in and walked to the driver's side. We pulled out of the long driveway, and on to the dark road. "Where is everyone?"

I had to ask. This was the quietest I'd ever seen the Packhouse, and I'd hoped they wouldn't have left me there to rot. Even the publicly punished were allowed to be unshackled and taken home by their family.

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