Unexpected Admission (Edited)

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My alarm blared, and I got up to shower. There was no need to check my phone because I knew Cristian hadn't called. I'd called him twenty times last night, and he hadn't answered. The look on his face yesterday said it all and no amount of explaining could wash away the disappointment he showed in me. If only he knew me leaving with Eric and walking away from him was to stop him from getting hurt. Even if it meant me hurting him in another way.

I pulled my hair down over my shoulders and headed for the kitchen. It would be my hiding place today until I could face the one person I needed right now.


The kitchen was quieter than usual and the air seemed stale and unwelcoming. Lucas was already half done with his breakfast and my mother played with her coffee, swirling the spoon around and around until she finally looked up and greeted me.

"Did you sleep OK?"

I could have asked the same question. She hadn't noticed me come in, and the light bags that'd formed and framed her eyes said either she was up all night or she'd been crying. I guess we all had a shitty night.

"Yes." I left it at that.

I'd spent most of the night flat on my back and unable to relax my stiff neck, but that wasn't it. I couldn't stop thinking about Cristian. Hed threatened Eric and innour world, that was a no-no. When I'd gotten a few hours of sleep, I woke up with a pounding heart and tears in my eyes. I didn't even know it was possible to cry in your sleep.

I grabbed the cereal and sat down to the quiet table. I threw a chocolate ball at Lucas, baiting him to throw it back but he only sipped his coffee and stared over the mug.

"Can you drop me at school today?"

"Not today." He stuffed his last piece of sausage into his mouth and got up. What the fuck. He left the kitchen giving our mother a kiss and a playful nudge to my head, "Be good." 

I looked at my mother confused. She shook her head reading my mind. "He's late... Plus, Eric, is waiting for you outside."

Great, I thought. How many more days of this would I have to endure? And how many more days did I need to expect him to be at my house, waiting?

"Is this an everyday thing now?"

My mother sat her cup down and took it to the sink. "It will be good for you two." She wouldn't look at me. "The more time you spend together the easier it'll be... It's just a general practice to spend time together."

"Is that supposed to make me say yes?"

She turned around, her brows pulled together. "Anna-" Whatever words she wanted to say hitched in her throat and she stopped.

"No. I get it. You think he'll grow on me."

I dropped the spoon of cereal back into the bowl and slid away from the table. She still thought I would say yes. That I would be ok with him as my mate. It hurt. My mother wouldn't stop this. She couldn't see what I saw, what Cristian saw and that she'd chosen the wrong person. 

"I love you. I'll see you after school." 

I didn't wait to hear her response. I left the kitchen and made it to the front door before I stopped. My heart was in my stomach and the deep inhales and exhales of my breath was all that stopped the bile from rising in my throat. I rested my back against the wall and closed my eyes. I needed to talk to Cristian.

Eric stood against the door of his car as he tossed an orange in the air and caught it. Yesterday's events obviously long gone from his mind as he mimicked what could be a smile and waited for me. 

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