4 - Warning

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The next day and the next and the next, I talked to her everyday and brought her different things (half of the time they were foods of course). The latest thing she found out about me was that when we were kids, little toddlers in fact, she disliked me when my parents brought me to her house for a playdate. She threw toys (mostly Legos) at me, she thought I had cooties and that boys were gross. Even in nursery school she disliked me.

"Oh my god.. That's so embarrassing! Why was I so mean? Why did you tell me this? Now I feel guilty." she said, covering her face with her hands to hide it yet peeking at me through the gaps of her fingers.

"Ahh, but there's more."
"Oh please no." She rolled her eyes playfully.
"Okay I won't tell you then. But you start going easy on me after this "event" though." I knew she would want to know.
"Alright, alright. Go on."

"Well you also didn't like this other boy in class called Ricky. He was a playful boy, as feisty in his dislike of you as you were in your dislike of him."
"Wow," she giggled. "I do not seem like a very nice kid. I honestly don't remember things from kindergarten."
"Yeah, I had to remind you back then too when we started hanging out again." A bitter feeling simmered inside, I had to remind myself that she didn't choose to forget me, that it was an accident and couldn't be helped.

My face blanked out like a mask. Who could smile when thinking of something so sad?
"Started hanging out again? You mean we didn't always hangout?" she sounded surprised.
"No, we didn't. Yeah, I came over to your house a few times for play dates and dinners, but we didn't really talk. During middle school, you weren't even part of my life because I was old enough to stay at home while my parents went to the dinners. It was during the first year of high school when we actually became friends."
"I see, I see. That's interesting. Wait, what happened with Ricky? You didn't finish with that story."

"Oh right, Ricky. You guys were toddler-fighting over some toddler-issue and then-"
She cut in suddenly, gently touching my finger when she did so I would stop talking. "Wait! I remember! We ended up head butting each other after throwing toys at each other.. And when our heads were locked in a head-pushing-against-head thing that dinosaurs do.." She giggled. "A boy told us to 'look up!' and we both looked up at the same time and our lips crashed into each others!"

"And.. I'm sorry to say that I'm that boy."
"WHAT? No kidding."
"No kidding."
We shared a chuckle.
"It's all your fault then." She pushed me softly.

"What's my fault, huh?" I said, taking her arm and pushing it back to her gently.
"That I lost my first kiss." Her tone was not serious and she closed her eyes and puckered her lips, making a 'smooch' face towards me. I held my breath, and quickly and carefully drew my face as close to hers as I possible without actually touching faces (or lips for that matter). I waited 'till she opened her eyes. When she did, her squeal of surprise could be heard from many wards away.


I left the hospital and made my way to the black luxury MPV that used to belong to my dad (he gave it to me the Christmas of the year I learnt how to drive, when I was 17). A silver Mercedes was pulling into the parking lot as I was exiting the lot. I spotted Sarah in the driver's seat and there was a very, very short moment of eye contact. After that, she braked suddenly. I had things to do and business to attend to, so I sped up and left.

At home, there were two voice mails from Sarah.
"Hey.. Hunter. Long time no see. I was wondering what you were doing just now when I saw you, but I guess you were probably paying Elle a visit. You good with her already? The last time I heard you weren't talking to each other.. Well, I guess it doesn't matter the reason for your visit, 'cause she did go through a terrible accident. She told me that you were helping her out these past two weeks. Thank you for that I guess. Bye."
She sounded insincere.
The next voicemail played.
"Hey Hunter, you of all people know Elle is my best friend. She's always there for me and if I wasn't so busy, I'd visit her every other day to check up on her. But I am busy, and I can't check on her, so I'm asking you to stay away from her. You are bad news.. you both are bad news to each other. There is a barrier between you both, and I hope you don't feel like bringing it down. God forbid you make her want to do so too. Bye."

The voicemail ended. I realized my hands had curled into fists. What's past is past. Why can't Sarah see that?

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