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During our journey I learned many things about him.

Apparently he was training under a company that he recently signed a contract with. Wonwoo used to study in a different city but decided to transfer here. It didn't matter if he didn't know anyone around, it was a lot more convenient for him to travel between school and work.

"I just got here two weeks ago. I'm living alone because my parents can't afford to leave their jobs....not that I mind.", Wonwoo said, shrugging his shoulders with his hands in the pocket of his jeans.

He must feel lonely.

"Let's go grab something to eat before heading home.", I asked.

Wonwoo turned to look at me, his eyes slightly widened.

"You're asking a stranger out for a meal?"

"We're classmates."

"Oh. But you said we barely knew each other."

"That didn't stop you anyways. So I guess that's a no?"

"N-no let's go. I'm sorry."

I nodded and flashed a smile at him.

"Maybe he wasn't as tough as he looked after all.", I thought to myself before glancing over to see him smiling to the ground.


We continued our walk home after our meal when Wonwoo stopped midway.

"I left something in my training room... and I need to go get it."

"Oh alright. I live around here anyways. Guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

Just as I turned to leave I felt something tugging at the handle of my bag. My confusion increased when my feet began walking backwards as I was pulled back.

"I told you I was walking you home. So you'll have to come with me."

I broke free and turned around, facing him, eyebrows furrowed.

"Please? It'll only take 15 more minutes of your time.", he asked.

"Fine.", I replied while rolling my eyes.

"Just so you know I'm really attracted to smirks."

"Shut up and start walking."


His training room fascinated me. It was refreshing. From wooden floor tiles to mirrors that spread fully across four long walls.

Music filled the room and I was surprised. I looked around and spotted Wonwoo.

He was dancing.

My heart rate increased as I watched how he perfected every movement. He continued for a few minutes until he stopped. His gaze, looking directly into mine.

"Can you dance?", he asked, approaching me.
"N-no. I don't know.", I replied, still shaken from the scene before.
Wonwoo took me by the arm and somehow we ended up moving in sync with the music.

"oh my gosh he's so close."

It was after one last turn when Wonwoo faced the door. That was when I noticed there was someone looking into the room. Wonwoo picked up his things and signaled that it was time we leave. We met with the boy at the door and I noticed how tall he was.

"It's not good to spy, Mingyu", Wonwoo said to the boy, placing his hand on the other's shoulder.

"IS SHE YOUR GIRLFRIEND", Mingyu asked excitedly.


"Wha-", I was cut off by Wonwoo placed his hand on my head before dragging me along.


We continued the rest of our journey in silence until Wonwoo popped a sudden question.

"Do you live around this area? I live in that apartment right over there", Wonwoo said as he pointed at some white apartment buildings that seemed all too familiar.

"...I live there too."

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