Ready and Action

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Ready and Action!

The words I hear today.

Waiting for a reaction.

As I take the stage.

My smile burns bright

But my heart hangs low.

Pretending to be alright.

To put on a good show.

I show you this mask.

The one you want to see.

It's not an easy task

To be who you want me to be.

The mask I wear everyday

It's slowly killing me.

At night when I lay,

Or should I say 'we'

I tell that side goodbye

No longer can I see.

My pillow is now soaked

Finally I fall asleep.

You never knew I broke.

That secret I'll keep.

It's the morning again,

Ready and Action

I will start to pretend

And be the attraction.

The mask on my face

Sits comfortable there

It holds its place

Never will it show ...

My despair

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