Chapter 29

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*Jessica's POV*

We just got into Illinois. We are headed to Route 66. We all decided that we are going to play the song Route 66 the entire way to California.

We just turned onto Route 66 so we all pulled over and took a picture of all of us with the sign. We put Route 66 on and sung along to it.

'Well if you ever plan to motor west
Just take my way that's the highway that's the best
Get your kicks on Route 66

Well it winds from Chicago to L.A.
More than 2000 miles all the way
Get your kicks on Route 66

Well goes from St. Louie down to Missouri
Oklahoma city, the toots look pretty
You'll see Amarillo and Gallup, New Mexico
Flagstaff, Arizona don't forget Winona
Kingman, Barstow, San Bernadino

Would you get hip to this kindly tip
And go take that California trip
Get your kicks on Route 66

Well goes from St. Louie down to Missouri
Oklahoma city, the toots look pretty
You'll see Amarillo and Gallup, New Mexico
Flagstaff, Arizona don't forget Winona
Kingman, Barstow, San Bernadino

Would you get hip to this kindly tip
And go take that California trip
Get your kicks on Route 66'

Man I love this song. And it's playing the whole week we are driving on this road. We made so many stops we decided to stop off at a gas station. We went to the bathroom and filled up our cars. Man I love this trip.

We headed back on Route 66 and drove for a few more hours. We just talked and sang until we headed to a hotel. We slept in the same order we have the past few days. I am really tired so I just texted Brooklyn and went to bed.

"Night Jess!!!"

"Night Fin!!!!!"

Short chapter. Sorry. I just got done fighting a huge black spider that I tried killing 3 days ago but it just hid under my dresser. Okay bye bye!!!!!

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