25 : We're a pair!

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She tossed her pen aside. Seunghee couldn't concentrate on her piece. She was composing something for the upcoming annual duo project. She was in her room, sitting at her side table.

She contemplated on things. It had been a month since she last talked to Jeonghan. She missed him but not to the point that she wanted to be with him. But then, there was this girl. She remembered how she kept staying close to him every chance she got. She felt really bothered. She wasn't irritated and she wasn't really jealous. She just wanted to know why they were close, how they knew each other. That way she would understand and just ignore how they were interacting. It was getting on her way of thinking. And she didn't know till when she will be able to keep it in.


The annual duo project was up. It was the time when two students, a boy and a girl pair up by means of drawing lots, compete for the best collaboration of the year with a grand price of flat 1 grade for both members. It was something the student body looked forward to.


That day was scheduled for drawing of lots. It went smoothly and unexpectedly. Seunghee was paired with Sungjae and Jeonghan was with Yujin.

"Oppa! We're a pair!" Yujin exclaimed.

"Yah," Jeonghan smiled at her.

Yujin kept touching Jeonghan's arm. She was so giggly and jolly around him. Jeonghan was just smiling at her.

On the other hand, Seunghee just looked at them from afar. She was a little down cause of the drawing of lots results. Deep inside, she wanted to be paired with Jeonghan. That way, she wouldn't have a reason to invalidate her request to him on her own. But Sungjae was already with her. Sungjae was their year's best student. He's also the year's representative at the year-end festival.

"So... I think we should start by shaking hands?" Sungjae asked.

"What? Oh, yah," Seunghee absent-mindedly replied.

"I look forward to working well with you."

Seunghee smiled at him and they shook hands. Seunghee was still hung up on what's going on between Jeonghan and Yujin. She sneaked a peek at them again and she found Yujin really close to Jeonghan. They were watching something on her smartphone. And she was so touchy-feely with him. She creased her eyebrows and incidentally, gripped Sungjae's hand tighter.

"Is there something wrong?" he asked.

"Oh! I'm sorry! I wasn't paying attention," she apologized.

"We have to focus on our own stage performance Seunghee. Don't let others bother you."

"Yah, I know that."

They were still at it when she last looked. But she had to prepare too. She had no time for feeling jealous and disturbed. Her trust on him was all she got and she was counting on it.


To be continued...

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