Chapter 20

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Bella had been woken up at ten o'clock by Mikey who said he and the lads were going to take Ricky out for the day. By the time they left she was wide awake, Calum had peeked in to warn her Luke was awake before he left.

She walked downstairs, running her hands through her tangled bed head. Luke was sitting on the couch with his head in his hands.

Bella just walked into the living room and leaned against the staircase wall looking down at the floor.

Luke looked up, glancing at Bella.

"Morning." He mumbled.

"Morning," Bella mumbled back unwillingly.

Luke pushed himself off the couch, just so he was standing, but he didn't bother to get closer to her.

They were distanced, at least six feet away from each other, eyes locked but no words came out.

"You guys were supposed to be going to a music thing yesterday, not getting drunk off your asses." Bella said quietly. Luke looked down, biting his lip.

"We did, then we went out to have a few drinks..." He muttered looking up.

"A few?!" Bella scoffed, "I'm pretty sure you don't have a clue what a few means. Actually, I'm pretty sure you have a drinking problem."

He narrowed his eyes at her, "I don't. How often do I go out and drink?"

"Too often for someone who has a family."Bella shot back, tending up now.

"You know what Bella, I like to drink. I don't fucking care what your opinion on this is. And guess what?"

"What?" She spat. Luke stepped a bit closer with a small smirk on his face.

"I'm going on tour and you're not going to be able to come. The lads are all packed up and I haven't been able to get myself to do it yet, but I guess I will. I'll go do that now, enjoy time without me Bella." He turned to head up the stairs, Bella quickly grabbing his wrist and he turned around.

Her facial expression had completely changed, "L-Luke, when-when's tour?"

"I'm leaving in two weeks," he spat, "I'll be gone for like four months or something, but I don't think you should care too much. It gives you a break from me and my alcohol problem."

Now Bella wanted to cry and Luke was being a complete ass.

"I'm going to be almost nine months pregnant by then, Luke please don't do this. I could go into labor and-and I can't do it alone. Luke please don't do this to me."

He shook Bella's hand off his arm and walked up the stairs.

Bella broke down, storming up the stairs after him.

"Don't expect me to be here when you get fucking back!" She yelled, tearing her ring off her finger and throwing it at the back of Luke's head. "And you're not seeing the baby or Ricky again, got it? But yeah, you'll get to be with so many other girl's like ones who aren't fucking nineteen and pregnant and you'll be able to drink all you want so I'm sure you'll be happy with that, dickhead."

Luke didn't turn around, he headed straight for his room slamming the door. Bella sat on the stairs, completely sobbing and shaking at the thought of not having anyone to be there for her while going into labor or taking care of a baby. Her finger felt empty at the ring loss and her heart completely shattered because her husband had acted as if he hadn't care a bit.

She finally got up, slowly walking to Ricky's room. She reached under his bed and pulled out a duffle bag and suitcase. Bella packed things he'd need and he beat then set them to the side of the room.

She walked downstairs just as the front door opened up.

Ashton walked in, smiling at Bella for a second before he caught the look in her glistening eyes. She walked down the steps and tightly wrapped her arms around Ashton, sobbing again.

"L-Luke's packing for tour and-and I'm going to be alone, Ashton." She friend, hugging him even tighter, "I'm going to leave soon, I packed Ricky's stuff and-"

"Shh, woah woah, Bella calm down." Ashton lifted Bella's head off his chest.

"We'll send Luke back here before you have the baby, I promise."

"No," she shook her head. Ashton glanced over at the stairs, seeing the wedding ring sitting there just a few steps from the top. "No. I don't want him here, he's not seeing her. No. I'm taking both the kids."

Ashton took grip of her shaking shoulders, forcing her to look at him. "Give yourself time to calm down, Bella. Luke's not himself, he's going to realize he was wrong, everything-"

"No! Everything won't be okay, it's not going to be okay Ashton." She broke down again. "Where's Ricky?"

"He's outside with the lads, it's a bit chilly I was coming to get him a sweatshirt."

"Great, because there's one in his bag I packed." She turned and dashed up the stairs, grabbing the two bags and lugging them back downstairs.

"Don't walk out this door." Ashton stood in front of the open door. Bella slipped pass him and outside.

Ashton forcefully grabbed her arm, knocking the bag out of her hand. Mikey came running out of the car when Bella broke down again. He tried to grab Bella but she just shook him off.

"I'm sorry, I don't know what to do right now." She sat down on the stairs burying her head in her hands.

"Shh, everything's going to be okay. Bella, I promise you need to calm down love."


Luke stood in the bathroom staring down at his wrists. He ran them under the faucet watching the reddened water drain down the sink. He wrapped his wrists, pulling his sleeves down and barely taking a glance at himself in the mirror before exiting into his room.

He managed to aggressively knock down the pole that ran across the closet holding all the clothes that were now on the floor.

He say on the floor with his legs brought close to him, his elbows resting on his knees and his head in his hands.

He needed help, he didn't understand why he couldn't be happy. He had everything he wanted for himself and more, yet this was how he was being and this is how he felt.

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