Chapter 13 : Sasuke's Defect And Naruko's Decision

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Naruko's Mind ( Third Persons POV )

It's been a week since the hospital despair incident .

Naruko and Tsundae's poor sake .

So here's Naruko talking with Kuramo .

" He and my brother attacked each other , I mean it's stupid but I always knew this day would come . The old man warned me he was going to leave at some point in life " Naruko told her and she nodded .

" I can see why though , if his brother told him to kill him and get stronger than he's going to do just that " she said .

Naruko nodded and looked at her " Even so , I love them both equally because well ones my other half and the other half too . I mean Naruto is literally my fun annoying side while Sasuke is my other half in love . It's hard to choose " she told her as silent tears went down her cheeks .

Naruko for once in her life was complicated and she didn't know what to do now .

" Child , as your friend that is literally with you at all times , don't cry it makes me sad too . Especially since your so kind to me even though I'm different from your race . Word of advice " Kuramo said .

" Yes ? " Naruko asked .

She looked up with hopeful eyes .

" Well if you at it this way you have 3 options , go with him , or stay in he village with your other friends and family for your life . Or , you could leave the village on your own and find the lady in the land of demons . If you do number 3 , you could ask to retire your status for awhile , and leave to finish your dreams , but tell Sasuke that you'll love him no matter what . This way your not choosing for them , but for yourself . Naruko , your a kind girl who tends to make others happy without making herself happy first . For once in your life , I think you should start your own chapter in life , this way , you'll maybe know what to do in life once again . So it's your choice , choose your boyfriend who's going rogue from your friends and family as well as birth village your parents died protecting , stay with them all and give up on your boyfriend and stay with the ones you consider family . Or , Naruko you start your own chapter in your life , and leave to set you dreams down . Because you won't have forever like I do " Kuramo explained to her .

"  I've made my decision " Naruko said after a silen period of time .

She stood up and dusted off her cloths .

She wiped her tear filled eyes , looked at her best friend , her cheeks stained with tears that long since dried .

" I'm going to ...... " she said out loud but then whispered in her ear .

" I think you'll like this decision Naruko , but then again it's you not me " Kuramo said .

Naruko nodded " I think this will be the best for everyone in the village , for Sasuke and for myself . It's time I choose , and I too think I'll like this decision , but no matter what we'll always have each other to the very end right Kuramo ? " she asked hopeful of her Friend .

" Of course Naruko , we are the best of friends after all " she smiled and so did Naruko .

" Well it's time I wake up and go find everyone " Naruko stated .

Out In Reality ..... ( Third Persons POV ) ( Play Song Now : Goodbye by: Avril Lavigne )

Tsundae looked at the 13 year old girl on her couch , she was so strong and so full of hope .

When she found out she'd be devastated .

Just then a sleepy head Naruko woke up and yawned .

" Okaa-San I need to ask something of you ? " Naruko said .

" Go ahead " she smiled .

" I'd like to .... " she finished explaining .

" Naruko , I think this decision is all yours but since you came and asked me first , it's fine by me . Now your boyfriend is apparently trying to leave without saying goodbye . Why don't you go tell him and the rest " she said .

Though she smiled she knew she was gonna miss her little Naruko , her little gambler and sake buddy . But in the end , she knew that this was for the best .

" Thank you Okaa-San "

Naruko left and packed quickly before heading out towards her family and friends .

At the gates they thought she would be accompanying the rescue team and didn't think twice of what Naruko was going to do .

" Goodbye Konoha " she muttered .

Though no one heard it , she was sure it's gates and ancestors did .

In The Forest With Sasuke ( Third Persons POV ) ....( Start Song : Goodbye By Avril Lavinge )

Naruko stopped one Sasuke by his collar before he left into the forest .

He turned around in shock .

" Naruko " he managed to stuttered out .

" Naruko I'm tying off all bond-" but he didn't finish his sentence because Naruko grabbed his front shirt and kissed him on the lips .

" Don't you dare say your severing the bond with me . I'm your girlfriend and always will be . I've decided to leave Konoha and start my dreams , my goals instead of choosing between my twin and my lover . I'll always be yours but for now I'm going to get my eyes fixed in the land of demons " Naruko said looking down .

" So I have one question , will you wait for me Sasuke Uchiha ? " Naruko said as she looked back up at him .

" Naruko I'll wait for you " he said as he crashed his lips on her .

" Till then Sasuke , always remember that theirs one girl who doesn't care if you went rogue or you murdered people in cold blood , because she'll wait for you till we meet again . Because killing your brother isn't the only dream you told us remember , you still need to revive that Uchiha clan of yours , and I'd gladly help you with that " she said softly .

She cupped her cheek and made her look at him . " I'm glad that your willing to hell despite the dobe and Tsundae trying to kill me if I do so " she laughed and God did he ever love that laugh of hers .

" Till then " she said .

" Till then " he confirmed .

" Forever and always ? " she asked .

" Always forever and till the end for always " he said sweetly before capturing her lips once again .

" I'll miss you Sasuke , you and your duck butt hair " she giggled and he chuckled .

" I'll miss you too Naruko , you and your dango eating , sake drinking and gambling ways " he joked back at her and she kissed him again .

" I'm glad to hear that , cause I ain't changing for no one . Not even you Mr.Uchiha " she giggled and kissed him one last time .

" Goodbye Mr.Uchiha " she said as she turned in the direction of The Land Of Demons .

" Goodbye Mrs. Uchiha " he said as he turned in the direction of Orochimaru .

Then at the same time before they both ninja jumped towards their destinations , they said :

" Forever And Always My Love Till Then Goodbye "

With that they both left an unconscious blonde Uzumaki as his best friend left towards evil while his twin sister left towards her dreams as a promise was made that day , her Uzumaki clan seal on her forehead and his Uchiha Sharingan both glowed brightly , for their fates were intertwined forever .

Their two clan symbols glowed as a promise that they would join each other again , for something big , because an Uchiha and an Uzumaki , when is heir not trouble with them combined ....

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