Chapter Two

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It was Saturday, the day of Amber's 15th birthday and her house party. Caroline and William were going away down too Cornwall for the weekend so Amber had the house too herself. 'hey, meet me at the bus stop in 20 minutes, love you. xxxx' she text too her best friend, she didn't mean 'love you' as a friend says too another friend. She said it too her best-friend in a way he could never understand, when she said she loved him, she did, and more than a best friend.

She'd do anything too become more than friends, but he just didn't feel the same, they'd been best friends since they were 5. Caroline and his mum met at the primary school, on Amber's birthday, it was also her best friends birthday the same day. It was Fate you could say. So 10 years on they were too celebrate they're 15th birthday together, partying big.

'okay gorgeous, meet you there, love you too!xxxx' her message read. After quickly getting ready, grabbing some money and legging it out the door she ran too the bus stop, already running late, too be greeted by the most handsome boy she had ever met. She knew one day she'd have him. Not long after they'd said hello the bus pulled up, they got on and sat down at the back, taking up all the back seats as they normally do. It was half an hours bus drive into town, but Amber needed an outfit for tonight's party. They started talking about the party, they'd got the drink, the snacks, music and everything planned, they'd invited everyone and they were so looking forward too it. It was going fine up until her best friends ex got on the bus,

"come sit snuggling up too me, too make her jealous" he said too Amber, pulling her across. She got comfy and started laughing when his ex got on the bus.

Amber tried too move and get up, as he pulled her back into his lap, It felt so natural, like this is what it was meant too be like, like they were meant too fit together like they did. Amber knew clearly how she felt about him, he didn't know this, but did he feel the same? Or is he messing around? Playing with her head, making 'mistakes' but on purpose?

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