ANBU and research

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Sayomi's pov

I hadn't left my room in a couple days and I knew all too well people were worried about me, even if I told them I was perfectly fine.

The previous days have concisted out of research, eating, crying and sleeping. I haven't socialized at all and only came downstairs to get food.

My eyes skimmed the scroll I was reading. So many awesome techniques I could learn, but I wanted to be fully prepared when I would start training again. Sayumi, I won't let my life go to waste, I hope you're happy up there...

I still felt a guilty for it, but there wasn't anything I could do to go back in time and change it.

I heard a knock on the door. "Sayomi, Hokage-sama wants to see you."

"Coming, oto-chan." I said before I headed towards the door. I took one last glance at my messy room. I need to clean up, I suppose...

I quickly left my room and headed to the Hokage office, taking a shortcut. When I arrived there, I saw Kakashi there as well. "Kakashi-sensei? What are you doing here?"

"You'll hear soon enough." Kakashi replied mysteriously.

I nodded. "Why did you want to see me, Tsunade-sama? I'm kinda busy..."

"Sayomi, I want you to join the ANBU Black Ops." Tsunade stated. "That might be just what you need."

"Of course Hokage-sama." I said. "Which squad will I be in?"

*timeskip no jutsu*

I went to pick up my ANBU gear and mask and get the ANBU tattoo. I had a cat mask, decorated with red stripes. I bowed and left. I went home as fast as I could and put on my new ANBU gear and mask. I strapped the sword that has been passed down from my mother to my back, and I put the sword that belonged with the gear there as well. When I was finished, I let my mask hang around my belt before I poofed out of my room, appearing near Tsunade's office.

When I got in her office, she immediately sent me on a mission, with two more people. One of them was a talkative boy with blonde hair named Kiyoshi and a boy with with white hair. At first, he didn't want to say his name, but Tsunade eventually said his name was Kuro. They both were older than me, but not that much older.


We were sent on a mission to assasinate a small group of missing-nins. "What do we do?!" Kiyoshi exclaimed while we were discussing our plan. He's an ANBU? I envisioned an ANBU member differently...

Kuro sighed, closing his eyes. "We'll distract them and kill them quickly." he explained briefly.

"You talk?" Kiyoshi asked with widened eyes. This was the first time he heard him talk.

Kuro nodded. "I only speak when necessary." he said.

"Guys, shouldn't we be continue discussing our plan?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot!" Kiyoshi said, grinning sheepishly. I looked at him with a questioning expression, I couldn't believe this guy was an ANBU while he was exactly like how Naruto used to be.

We perfected our plan and started searching for the people we were supposed to kill. Kiyoshi was our decoy and he did a good job on it. He really captured the enemy's attention while we could kill two of the three. The last one was killed by - a suddenly very serious - Kiyoshi.

On our way back, Kiyoshi was talkative as usual and Kuro didn't say much, unless he really had to. He briefly reported the mission to Tsunade, who was glad we were able to finish it quickly.


The next day, I had noticed one of the scrolls being a summoning contract. I looked closer and read what names were written on it.

Kiyomi Tsukino

Jun Tsukino

It went on for a little longer, revealing at least five more names. Does this mean I'll summon something really old?

I wanted to know what it was that I might be able to summon, but I didn't know how to do the Summoning Jutsu. I closed my eyes and sighed. I was kinda hopeless and was getting ready to give up on it when I heard a knock on the window.

I looked up and saw Keiichi sitting in front of it, waving at me, trying to get my attention. "Why didn't you just use the door?" I asked after I let him in.

"I've got a message from my baa-chan for you." he said. "She wants to meet you right now on training ground 44."

"Isn't that the Forest of Death?" I asked, recalling memories from the Chunin exams. I had bad memories of the Forest of Death, after all, it was when we had an encounter with Orochimaru.

Keiichi nodded. "Are you coming or not?" he asked, holding out his hand. "And by the way, I could teach you the Summoning jutsu." he added, eyeing at the Summoning scroll.

I nodded and took his hand. We soon left and headed towards the Forest of Death, were Fuji was waiting for us. Fuji smiled when she saw me and threw me in a hug soon after.

"Fuji-san, why did you want to see me?" I asked.

"I want to teach you a kenjutsu technique, passed down from your ancestors. "Are you up to it?"

I nodded. "I think so." I said before she gestured Keiichi to leave.

"Keiichi-kun, you shouldn't be here anymore, it's a secret technique her parents has entrusted to me." she explained, to which Keiichi nodded before leaving.

The rest of the afternoon, I spent training that jutsu. It was a powerful genjutsu, created by my great- great grandfather on my mother's side.

In the evening, I went to bed early because I had a lot of training to do tomorrow.

The next morning, I met up with Keiichi and he started teaching me the Summoning jutsu and helped me form the contract.

The first time I tried it, I summoned a baby bird. The bird stared at me before it started making noise. I quickly sent the bird back, it was early in the morning and I didn't want to accidently wake people up.

I kept trying until I summoned a rather big, white and blue bird who eyed me curiously. "Who are you, brat, and why did you summon me?" the bird asked.

"My name is Sayomi Tsukino, daughter of Kiyomi Tsukino, daughter of Jun Tsukino." I said. "Do you need to know more?"

The bird shook it's head. "Akira's the name." it said. (A/N: You can decide wether it's a girl or a boy again ;))

I had a talk with Akira and got to know more about my ancestors. "Ne, Akira, how old are you?" I asked. "I'm sorry if it sounded rude by the way."

"I'm over 400 years old, your ancestor, the first one to form a contract with me, Daiki Tsukino, summoned me when I was still a young bird."

Yup, my summon's really old. I thought.


Hope you likedd it!

*looks at alarm and sees it's already 24.00 PM* I should get some sleep... or not.

Question: Which team are you on? Team KeiSayo or Team ShikaSayo?

Question 2: Who do you like better? Kiyoshi or Kuro?

-x Crartistic

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