*Chapter 1 - Bri

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A/N As some of you may or may not know this story was orignally on my personal account (@HarrysBlueEyedLover) and was co-written by @NauticalScribbles but we decided to just make a joint account, so yes, I have the rights to this story and Anna, has the rights to any of the chapters she writes. So go follow our other accounts if you like this story and I have many other stories that might get moved to this account or might not! Thanks!


Hi I'm Louis William Styles. And right now I am 8 months pregnant with my first child and I am married to my wonderful husband Harry. Husband? Well yes I am gay. Right now me and and Harry are discussing baby names.

"What about Baliee Rae Tomlinson-Styles?" Harry asks me. "It's cute but I want something original and unique. Oh! I got one! What about Kennedy Faith Tomlinson-Styles?" I reply

"I love it! I think we have our baby name!" He says kissing me lightly on the lips.

"Now we just need to pick out who the god-parents are going to be." I say leaning back into the couch and rubbing my bump. "I think it should be Briana and Niall, because there both really good with kids and I know we can trust them with her if something were to ever happen to us." I say.

" I totally agree! We should call everyone over and tell them." I nod and then say "Okay you do that I am going to go take a nap, because I am really tired and my back and feet hurt."

"Okay boo-bear, I'll wake you when they get here." He's says kissing my cheek as he helps me off the couch. I walk up the stairs and fall asleep as soon as my head hits the pillow.


I wake up with a jolt, from a sharp pain in my stomach. I hear voices downstairs so I know Harry is there along with the boys and girls. I stand up slowly and walk to the down I get almost to the stairs when the sharp pain comes again and I cry out in pain and yell "HARRY!" I hear running of muitiple pairs of feet and look up and see Harry running up the stairs with the boys and girls hot on his trail.

"Baby, whats wrong?!" Harry asks me worried

" I think the baby is coming!" I say and cry out as the pain comes back and I feel liqiud run down my leg. "Yeah, she's defiantly coming now! My water just broke!" He looks at me wide eyed and asks Niall and Briana to help me down stairs as he throws Zayn a dry pair of sweat pants for me. By the time I am down stairs I am in tears from all the pain. Zayn helps me into new pants just as Harry walks in with the baby bag.

"Okay Louis who do you want to come with us?" Harry asks me gently

" Briana and Niall! Now get me to the dang hospital!" I yell. Bri and Niall look at me wide eyed and nod and start out to the car with me while Harry talk to the rest of them.

"Okay, you guys stay and finish the baby's room and when you come to the hospital bring the car-seat, it should be in the nursery." Harry tells them and they nod and run up stairs to the nursery we didn't have time to finish. "Okay boo you ready to meet our little baby?" Harry tells me as we sit in the back seat of the car, he was trying to keep me calm and so far it was working. Niall and Bri were in the front seats.

"Harry give me your phone." I tell him just as a contraction hits and I  squeeze his hand.

"Why?" He asks me and I reply with "I am going to call my mum."

"Oh well then use Briana's because I gotta call my mum too." He says. I ask Bri if I could borrow her phone and she gave it to me.I dial the familiar number and ir rang twice before she anwsered.


"Hi mum" I say just as a really strong contraction hits and I cry out in pain.

"Oh my god! Louis are you okay?!" Mom said. "Mummy I need you! The baby's coming and I'm scared!" I say starting to cry. Harry starts rubbing circles on the back of my hand as he is talking to his mom, he looks at me and smiles and I start to smile back but it fades as another contraction hits and I start to cry harder. Then my mom senses that I am terrified and starts talking again.

"Oh my poor baby! I'll meet you at the hospital, okay? Hang in there boo-bear. Do you want me to call Anne?" She asks.

"No Harry is on the phone with her right now." I reply.

"Okay I'm getting in the car right now. I'll meet you at the hospital, okay?"

"Okay I love you!" I say

"Love you too!" She says and hangs up, and by that time we are pulling into the parking lot. Harry gets out of the car and runs around it and gets me out of the car and starts running towards the entrance carrying me bridal style, with Niall and Briana hot on out trail. When we get inside Harry yells "Somebody help my  husband is in labor!" Nurses run towards us and put me in a wheel chair and start towards the labor area of the hospital. The put me in a gown and check how far dilated I am and the doctor says "Oh wow! Your already ready to push! Let me go get some nurses and then you'll have your baby."

"Harry, I'm scared! I can't do this!" I say

"Well I think it's a little late for that don't you think!" He says chuckling and I glare at him just as the doctor comes in and says "Okay lets have a baby!" He says throwing schrubs at Niall and Briana, Louis already had some on.

"Okay Mr. Styles when the next contraction hits push as hard as you can, okay?" I nod and when I feel the contraction hit I push with every thing I have in me. I push for what seems like hours and then the pressure is gone and I know she is out, but I don't hear crying and then one if the nurses starts to walk out of the room with my baby. I start crying and yelling at the doctors saying "WHY ISN'T SHE CRYING! WHERE ARE YOU GOING WITH MY BABY! GIVE ME MY BABY! PLEASE!" I start to get off the bed, but Niall, Briana and Harry hold me down. I start crying harded and look at Harry and notice that he is silently crying too.

The doctor and a couple nurses roll my bed to another. And when we get there My mom and Anne walk in to see me and Harry sobbing in each others arms. They run over to us and Anne says "Oh my gosh! What happened? Where's the baby?" When she asked where the baby was I started crying harder and Harry glared at her through his tears and said "When she was born she wasn't crying, we haven't even seen her yet!"

"Oh poor babies!" My mom says hugging us. Then a nurse walks in with a smile on her face and a baby, but not just any baby, MY baby, OUR baby. I smile and start crying happy tears as she placed my baby in my arms. She was beautiful, wait not beautiful, gorgeous! She had the color of my hair but it was curly. We didn't know what color her eyes were beacause she hadn't opened them yet. The nurse then said "So what's this beautiful girls name?"

"Kennedy Faith Tomlinson-Styles" I say still looking at her.

"That's a beautiful name!" She says writing on the birth certificate. Then I look at Harry and notice he is turning on the camra and when it's on he comes over and takes a picture of Kennedy. I had Kennedy to him and see him smile and the last thing I hear before I fall alseep is Harry "Saying I love you boo-bear!" And then I am asleep.

Kennedy Faith Tomlinson-Styles

born on December 20th at 6:45pm

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