Chapter 14 - Anna

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  Harry and Louis were physically closer than ever. They couldn't get enough of each other. They were constantly touching, standing as close as humanly possible to each other, holding hands, kissing, lying on top of each other on the couch, the other boys were getting grossed out by all the PDA. Niall said it was like when they first got together and every kiss turned into a make-out session and it made his stomach ill. Emotionally and mentally, they weren't in touch at all. Harry was lonely even in Louis' presence, and vice versa. He had decided that it was because they had never really talked things through, never really discussed what had happened, just kind of brushed over it and pretended like it was all ok. 

Louis hadn't asked about the baby, which made Harry angry, but Louis was scared that asking would just bring up all the previous problems and Harry would make him leave and then they'd be alone- again. Harry was hogging Kennedy, but Louis knew that's only because he had spent so long without her, but just because Louis had spent over s month with her, didn't mean he didn't want to change her or feed her or just have a cuddle, and it certainly didn't mean he expected Harry to take over. Louis was sat with Harry slung across him while they watched 'I'm a celebrity get me out of here'. Neither of them were really paying attention to the show, only focusesdoneach other's presence and the awkward air. Suddenly, the cry of a baby rang out. Harry jumped up immediately to get her."Babe, I'll get her you've done it the last few times," Louis said genuinely, reaching for Harry."No no, that cry means she want me. That's her 'daddy' cry" Harry explained, heading up the stairs. They both knew full well she didn't even have a 'daddy cry' but Louis didn't have the energy to fight with him about it. He just finished his mug of tea and watched one of the contestants eat a plate of cockroaches. Soon enough, Harry emerged from upstairs, now with Kennedy and a bottle in tow Louis smiled warmly at his little family, eyes flickering over Harry's small bump. 

Harry caught him looking and adjusted his hoodie, before sitting down and positioning Kennedy to feed."Hey I'll feed her, you look tired, have a nap?" Louis offered, making grabby hands for his daughter. Harry bit his lip while coaxing Kennedy to open her mouth with the bottle."'M not tired." He said as Kennedy began to suckle happily. Louis sighed."What are we doing?" He asked. Harry looked up, confused."Oh come off it Hazz, you know what I'm talking about. All we do is sit as close as humanly possibly each other or kiss or have sex, we never actually talk or just sit together in a comfortable silence. You've taken over with Kennedy and I know you missed her but I'm still her parent and we share responsibility for her, don't even mention the fact that we're both pretending that you're not pregnant and that I didn't take off for a month." Louis blurted, quite snappily. Harry blinked and sighed, sitting back. He pushed his eyes and lips shut."I don't know either Lou." Was his reply. 

 "Harry please just talk to me. We need to just talk. And please give me Kennedy I want to feed her." Louis said. Harry knew he meant it so he reluctantly handed over a still-drinking-her-bottle Kennedy to Louis. Louis smiled, truly happy, as he gazed down at his daughter in her Half-asleep state. "Now, first of all, I am truly, deeply, completely sorry for leaving you. It was hands down, the worst decision I ever made. There is no excuse for what I did." Louis said honestly. Harry smiled sadly."I know, and I appreciate your apology. I'm sorry for not telling you but I was just sacred you know? Like suddenly I'm just pregnant and that's crazy and then Briana was just having Noah and I didn't know what to do." Harry sniffled. Louis reached out and took his husbands Hand, end it actually meant something. They hadn't held hands for an actual reason in a long time."Tell me about being pregnant. Tell me how you're feeling and what's going on. I want to talk about our baby." Louis said. He looked down at Harry's bump, asking permission. Harry nodded. 

Louis carefully reached out a shaky hand to touch his husbands baby bump. His breath hitched and he smiled. "There's a baby in there. I didn't ever imagine we'd see this day Hazz, after everything we've been through, all those tests and scans and crazy doctors and now you're actually pregnant and this is real and holy shit we're having a baby." He exclaimed. Harry sniffed and tangled his hand into Louis hair. "Yeh it's unreal." He agreed. Louis moved to put Kennedy down in her baby seat on the floor, before motioning Harry to cone and lie on his lap. Harry smiled and lay his head on Louis' thighs, folding his hands neatly over his bump, while Louis stroked his hair lovingly."Well, it feels weird you know? Like he's small but he's not that small like it's almost five months. He doesn't move a lot, at all really, maybe a flutter every now and then. No kicks yet." Harry rambled.

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