Chapter 13 - Bri

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*Louis' POV* (SURPRISE!)

(It's three days after the last chapter.)

I've sat here reading Harry's letter for the past hour. Kennedy's asleep in the portable crib, in the other room, and Zayn went out so I'm by myself. I feel a tear run down my cheek as re-read the words for what feels like the 100th time. I know that what I'm doing is killing Harry, it's killing me too, but I just can't seem to feel a little bit upset over him being pregnant. Don't get me wrong, no matter what I said to him, I love that baby inside of him as much as I love Kennedy. That baby is as much my and Harry's as Kennedy. But something that most people don't know is that when me and Harry decided to have childeren, Harry was hoping to be the one that carried them... But when we got tested mine came back positive and his was negative.

He was extremely disappointed up until I got pregnant with Kennedy, then he decided that as long as our children were healthy, it wouldn't matter who birthed them, they would be ours. Thinking about it now, I over reacted. Ever since I left, I can't get the look Harry had on his face out of my head. The pain he held in his eyes, the way his hands shook when he tried to hold me back from opening the door... The tears that poured out of his eyes when I grabbed the baby and left without another word. I took his daughter and left after I found something out that should of been a happy thing...

I finally make my decision and wipe my tears and go to the room that me and Kennedy have been staying in and quietly start collecting our things. Letting Kennedy contiune to sleep so it's be easier to pack. As I finished putting all the bags by the door and going to collect Kennedy, Zayn walked in. He looked at me confused and said "What's going on?" I smile softly and say "I'm going back to Harry.. He wrote me a letter and reading it made me miss him more than I already did... I can't leave him to raise our baby alone and I can't tear Kennedy away from her Daddy. We need eachother more than we admit.." He smiles and hugs me and says "Good for you. Make sure you come visit though! Bring Kennedy and the new baby when he or she is born!" I smile and agree and then go and get Kennedy her whining and waking up. Knowing she isn't hungry as it's only been an hour and a half since I fed her, I give her a pacifer and it soothes her.

Zayn takes her and kisses her cheeks repeatedly making her squeal. I smile as he hands her back to me and I put her in her carrier. She kicks her legs as I put her in, because she hates her car seat. I get her buckled in and then I stand up and hug Zayn one last time and then we walk out to the car. Zayn following with my bag since my hands are full. I open the back door sticking Kennedy in and then shutting the door. Zayn puts our bags in the trunk and then we say our goodbyes and I get in the car.

I peak back a Kennedy to see her looking out the window at Zayn making funny faces at her through the window. I start the car and Zayn backs away, waving at us as we pull out of the driveway. Our house is only a 15 minute drive from Zayn's so the drive goes fast. As I pull into the driveway I see Harry's car parked in the same spot it always it. I get out going around to the trunk and throwing my duffel bag over my shoulder along with the diaper bag. I open the back door and unhook Kennedy's seat and smile at her. I walk up to the door and turn the knob to see that it is unlocked. I open the door and walk in. The house is completely silent, leading me to believe Harry is taking a nap.

My suspicions are confirmed when I walk into the living room to see Harry curled in ball on the couch with a blanket thrown over him with one hand under his head and the other over his stomach, protecting the life inside it. I smile softly and sit Kennedy's carrier on the coffee table. I kneel by the couch and run my fingers through his hair he whines and shifts. "Liam let me sleep. We can go see the baby later." he mumbles. So Liam's been taking him to see the baby? At least he's been getting out of the house.

"No, baby. It's Louis." He cracks his eyes open and whispers "Louis?", almost like he doesn't believe it's really me. When he see's it really is me, his eyes water and he pulls me into a hug sobbing uncontrolablly. I rock us back and forth and rubbing his back. "I'm so sorry. I didn't know!" He wails. "Shh. I know baby, I know! And I'm sorry for leaving. I'm never going anywhere ever again if I can help it! I love you!" Kennedy chooses that time to cry out for attention which causes Harry to cry harder. "My baby girl! Give me my baby!" I quickly pull away and unbuckle Kennedy and hand her to Harry who pulls her to his chest, sobbing into her head. Kennedy cuddles into him immeditally, knowing that this was her Daddy and her Daddy's arms are a safe place to be.

Eventually Harry stops crying and makes grabby hands for me with one hand while the other holds Kennedy to his chest. I sit next to him and pull him into my arms. We sit there for a few minutes, and when I go to tell Harry we should talk I see that he had fallen asleep as did Kennedy. I sat there for the longest time just watching him sleep. Not in a creepy kind of way, but just looking at how peaceful he looked.

After about 10 minutes theres a knock on the door. "Harry? It's Liam." Liam calls as I walk to the door. I open it and Liam's eyes widen before he glares. "Oh. So you finally grew a pair and decided to come back huh? Do you know how much you broke him?! I had to come over here and make sure that your husband ate, make sure he took care of himself, while you were off staying at Zayn's house being a coward!" I felt a lump grow in my throat as he continued, "You knew when you guys decided to have a baby that he wanted to carry them, and when he couldn't he was devastated! But he loves Kennedy to death, and now he gets the chance to carry a baby, a time where you guys should be happy, and you blew it by taking your guys' daughter and leave! You left him! I came over here and found him curled up in a ball on the floor in tears! When I tried to figure out what was wrong he just kept saying 'He left me.' over and over again! You have some major fixing to do! He may seem okay, but I bet you anything, all he has in is mind is that he's afraid that your gonna leave again! You need to prove to him that you won't do that!" I wiped the tears from my eyes and noded. "Now. I
came over here to take Harry to see Baby Noah. But since your here, may you'd like to come?" I smile at him and nod, "Okay well then go get Harry!" I laugh and walk back into the living room and shake him gently since Kennedy is still asleep.

He whines and opens his eyes, "Liam's here. We're gonna go see Noah. You up for that?" He smiles and nods and then Liam walks in. When he see Kennedy, he grins and snatches her from Harry who pouts. "Haz, go get dress and then we'll go." He nods and pecks my lips then walks up the stairs to change. After 10 minutes he comes down dressed in a simple jeans and t-shirt. Liam buckles Kennedy into her seat and then Harry grabs the carried and we walk out to his car and Liam gets into his car, because we are gonna meet him there.

Forever(Larry Stylinson *MPreg*) BOOK #1Where stories live. Discover now