*Chapter 5 - Anna

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The next few weeks were simultaneously the hardest and most amazing weeks of my life. We had battled with Kennedy's sleeping for what had seemed like an eternity until eventually we got her to sleep for most of the night, bar 4am when she needed a feed and likely a diaper change. Visitors had trickled in and out, my mum and Jay being among the lot, along with all of Louis' siblings. The place had been a mad house for those few hours. Louis loved it though. I think sometimes he missed the noise and chaos his big family brought, despite the fact that one screaming baby was enough to drive me up the wall. 

I loved Kennedy with everything, but under no circumstances were we having six more of her. No way. The boys had come around too, and even taken her off our hands for a few hours. We had gone out, had lunch and even got some alone-time before they brought her back with a full diaper and spit-up all over her baby grow. I was learning more too. We had given her her first proper bath and although it was terrifying, Louis never let her go and she was fine, even seemed to like it. She was smiling now too, which was amazing, but only Niall could make her do it, which he would not let anyone forget. I walked into the kitchen to the sound of my beloved husbands voice."Yeh, yeh no I understand completely, Simon. Yeh that should be fine. Oh, Harry's just here now. Yes, yup I will. Ok, see you then. Bye." He took the phone away from his face and ended the call."That was Simon" he started, "we have to do an interview this afternoon. The fans want to meet Kennedy." He said. "Oh. Well I guess that's ok isn't it?" I said unsurely."I mean, we haven't really taken her out properly but I suppose there'll be loads of people there. Lou or Bri can take her if she gets fussy." Louis said, thinking out loud. I nodded, secretly a bit nervous to take her places. 

We hadn't really used her stroller yet, and I had no idea what to even pack in a diaper bag. Ok I was terrified. Louis saw the worry in my face and smiled softly."It's fine Hazz love, it's only for a few hours. She'll be absolutely fine." He soothed and kissed me on the cheek. "Where is she anyway?" I asked, suddenly aware of my baby's absence. Louis put his mug of tea to his mouth and nodded in the direction of the white bassinet over by the table. I went over to look at her. Yep, she was still beautiful. I hurried around the nursery frantically trying to sort a diaper bag. I had no clue what to pack and so I just threw pretty much anything in. Louis was in our room changing her into a cute outfit for everyone to see. I was absolutely terrified."Haz!?" Louis called."Yeh babe?" I answered, throwing a pacifier in the bag."Are you nearly ready?" He asked. 'Shit' I thought as I looked around. I had diapers, two changes of clothes, pacifiers and two bottles in the little warmer pocket. 

I figured she'd be fine."Yeh, let's go." I struggled with the car seat for ten minutes before Louis huffed and got out of the front seat to do it. I shrugged sheepishly and reluctantly made my way to the drivers seat. The car ride was quite quiet and I did most of the talking. I could tell Louis was in a mood about the car seat but I decided to just leave it, it wasn't worth getting into a fight right before an interview where we would have to happy and smiley and 'The Doting New Dads'. When we entered the room, all eyes were on us. 'CONGRATULATIONS BOYS!' Lou screeched, practically jumping into mine and Louis' arms. "She's so beautiful! Oh my god!" She squealed, kneeling down to Kennedy in her car seat which was in my hand. I couldn't really blame her for being so excited. Nobody from the crew had met her yet and I knew Lou was especially excited. More members of the team approached and cooed over Kennedy while asking loads of questions and we were both a little overwhelmed. It was fun to see everyone so happy for us though. 

As soon as we thought the excitement had worn off a bit, to my surprise, Simon appeared. "Congratulations boys, we're all very happy for you both." He said with a smile. Simon was all business and brutally honest, yes, but he did have a heart and he had always been warm towards all if us. I was really surprised when we met first back on the XFactor, given his 'tough guy' demeanor. "Thanks, Sir." I said. He smiled and called over a girl I recognized to be Lux's nanny. "This is Amelia, I don't know if you've really met but she's here to take care of Kennedy, if that's alright. She's fully vetted by myself and the team." Simon said. Amelia, who was dressed in black leggings and a black tank top, with her curly dark hair tied into a bun gave a little wave and a happy smile. I looked at Louis and he nodded."Uh, yeh that's fine. She's been fed and changed and she should actually be asleep around about now. I think everything is in the bag." I said, gesturing to the bag on Louis' shoulder."Ok, that's great. Don't worry, we'll be completely fine." She said. I leaned in and gave Kennedy a kiss before I cautiously handed the car seat over to Amelia and Louis gave her the bag. She smiled and turned on her heels, disappearing into the mess of wardrobe, hair and makeup and cameras that was the green room. 

"Ok boys, hair." Lou announced, clapping her hands and ushering us off to the station. I took Louis' hand and gave it a squeeze, I knew he was nervous about leaving her for the first time. "So, congratulations Louis and Harry. The whole world is going crazy over your new little family!" The interviewer chirped annoyingly. Harry and Louis smiled as the other boys patted them on the back for emphasis. "Yeh, she's the best thing that ever happened to us." Harry said. The studio audience awed and the interviewer smiled widely. "That's so sweet. How are you both coping as new parents?" She asked."Uh, yeh it's a lot harder than it looks, but I think we're doing well." Louis chuckled. Harry nodded in agreement. "And boys, how do you think their doing?" She questioned Liam and Niall."We're so proud and happy. They're amazing dads." Liam beamed. 

Harry and Louis both blushed. The whole crowd went crazy as pictures of Kennedy and the family appeared on the screens behind them. They boys laughed and looked at them proudly."And how is uncle and godfather duty treating you both?" The interviewer asked when the crowd had calmed."I'm her favorite!" Niall cried, with a stupid grin."Not true, she always falls asleep with me, I calm her" Liam retorted. They boys began play-fighting as the audience (Harry and Louis included) erupted into laughter. "I'm sure she loves you both." The interviewer interrupted, in an effort to regain their attention."Does being Uncles make either of you broody, or are you still loving your wild nights?" She asked."Yeh, well kids is definitely on the list, and now even more so because of Kennedy, but I think Soph and I are happy where we are at the moment." Liam said. The crowed awed at Liam's mention of Sophia. "Are they good with her Harry? Have there been any catastrophes as of yet?" The interviewer laughed."Not yet, surprisingly, they're really great with her. It's great for Niall to have some practice too." Harry rambled. 

The whole crowed went silent and the interviewers jaw dropped. Harry looked around, confused as to the silence. "Harry, it was a secret." Louis mumbled. Harry gasped and slapped his hand over his mouth. "Niall? Is Briana pregnant?!" The interviewer squealed. "Uh yeh. Surprise." Niall said coldly as he stared at Harry. An awkwardness spread across the whole room as it became blatantly obvious that Harry screwed up. The interviewer asked a few more awkward questions but Harry and Niall stayed silent. "Niall, oh my god! I'm so sorry. I completely forgot!" Harry exclaimed the second they got off stage. "Fuck off Harry! That wasn't your secret to tell and neither of us wanted anyone to know. How could you be so stupid?!" Niall snapped as he stormed off. Harry sighed and skulked to the floor. He couldn't believe he just ruined everything...

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