Ch.5: And no more than a game...

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Sim Jang's pov
"REALLY?!!" Ha Na tells me with a angry but nervous voice.
"Will Um... Sim Jang I'm going to go look for a job so I'll be back by night okay bye" Ha Na tells me with a nervous awkward voice.
"Wait but you can't just...
leave me alone ..
I slouch and sit on the floor,
"What do I do now! Ah I'll just unpack"

I go to my room and start unpacking my clothes and putting them in the closet. As I unpack the last of my clothes I see that there is picture in the bottom.
"Uh.. Let's just see what this picture is turns the picture around..."
My eyes widen as I see the picture...
It was a picture of Kyuhyun and I holding hands and smiling.
I smile and think I miss those moments.
I stand up and head towards the door. As I open the door..
"SIM JANG!" Sorry oppa ate all the kimchi soup. Can you make some more for me?" Shindong says to me with a little aygeo. "Oh oppa okay come in"
I shut the door and grab the other kimchi soup in the fridge and place it on the table for Shindong.
As Shingdong sits I sit across from him.

Shindong: So Sim Jang how are you?
Sim Jang: I'm doing fine oppa
Shindong: Sim Jang did you really forget our memories like with Super Junior and Kyuhyun?
Sim Jang: Oppa... I didn't lose it all.. I just want to start fresh and forget about the pass.
Shindong: I don't think Kyuhyun is over you! When his drunk all he says is "Sim Jang I'm sorry I love you." He even says that even though his not drunk!
Sim Jang: ........

I go out of the balcony and pull up the chair and start watching the stars.
Ha Na got a job at Mrs.Kim's Bimbimba place. Also Ha Na's already asleep... In my hand I have the photo of Kyuhyun and I, the picture I found in my box. I stare at it wondering if we still had a chance to be together?..

"Sim Jang?" I hear my name being called I look to the left and see Yesung on his balcony smiling at me..

Yesung's pov
After we heard about Shindong's visit to Sim Jang's place I go outside to the balcony to get some fresh air. As I look up to the sky I see the beautiful night sky but then I see something more beautiful.
"Sim Jang!" She looks at me and waves her hand.
"Oh Yesung what are you doing out hear isn't late?"
"No it's not to late *laughs a little* also Super Junior has a 9 month break till we make another comeback, but Kyuhyun soon his doing his solo album."
"Oh that's good for him, well.. Um Yesung oppa I think I'll head inside"
"WAIT! How about we go get a drink?"
She smiles at me and nods.
{20mims after}

we found a park bench and we bought some soju at a local 711.
Yesung: Don't drink to much, you might get into a accident *takes a shot*
Sim Jang: I know oppa.. But I'll drink a little bit more today because I haven't drank in 4 years. *takes 2 shots*
Yesung: WHAT! *takes the shot glass away from Sim Jang* are you even allowed at drink right now!!
Sim Jang: *takes the shot glass back and starts drinking some more*
I am allowed to drink but my parents wouldn't allow me to drink so this is my chance now. *takes a fresh new soju bottle and opens it and drinks from it*
Yesung: Wow! You shouldn't be drinking from the bottle you'll get real drunk.... Oh no now the drunk friend starts.
Sim Jang: *drunk* YOU KNoW Yesunggggg I don't t-think my heart can take it any mo-ore. *starts crying* I just wanted to start fresh but now..
Yesung: *hugs Sim Jang* shhh don't cry I know life isn't perfect but in the future everything will turn out what you wanted.. Or even bet.. *snoring sound* Man this girl gets drunk fast..
I look at her.. The midnight light shines on her and she looks like an angel. This moment remembers me why I fell for her..
"Guys IM IN LOVE!!" All the members were watching Running Man then we hear Kyuhyun push the door open and run to the living room.
Leeteuk: Ohh WOW Kyuhyun now tell us who she is? Also how was Gwanghwamun.
Kyuhyun: Okay so I was walking around the streets and I was getting hungry and then a girl comes up to me. She asked if I wanted some deobboki, I said yes, She has the most amazing smile. While I was eating she asked if I was from SUJU and then that's where everything started! Her name is Lee Sim Jang!
Yesung: What if she doesn't like you? Also love her name Lee Heart
Kyuhyun: I have a feeling she likes me too.
[2 weeks later]
I go to the door and open it.. I see Kyuhyun and the most beautiful girl I have ever seen...
"Yesung! This is my girlf-- I mean this is Sim Jang."

As we all gather in the room with the members.
We sat down and listened to Kyuhyun,
"Everybody I brought you all hear so I can ask Sim Jang this question *down and holds Sim Jang's left hand*
Sim Jang we have only knew each other for 2 weeks but it seems forever. I have to say I have fallen for you. So now I'm asking you Can You Be My Girlfriend?"
When I heard Kyuhyun say my heart just sank for some reason?
They were hugging each other so tight then when they broke the hug Kyuhyun says to my "Yesung you were actually Sim Jang's bias but sorry hyung she's mine now"
"Sorry Yesung Oppa but you'll still be my bias"
[1 year later]

Leeteuk hyung said to me. We were in the practice room when Leeteuk asked me if I loved Sim Jang and I said YES..
"Yesung you can't do this! Sim Jang is the best thing that ever happend to Kyuhyun... You know his been having a hard time and you can't take away his everything.... I'm sorry Yesung try to forget her"

I look at Sim Jang.. Let go home.
*puts Sim Jang on his back and carries her*

[At the apartment]
"Ohh no how am I going to put Sim Jang in her apartment.. Wake up already. You know what I'm just going to let Sim Jang sleep over for the night"
*opens the door*
As I lay down Sim Jang in my bed trying to not wake up Kyuhyun who's bed is close to mines.
I put Sim Jang on my bed but then she grabs my neck.?!
My face is going closer and closer to hers ..all I'm looking at is her lips.........


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