15. Healing

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Everything was just plain weird. I mean okay take me home but who's home? Am I right? We just sat there in silence and lord did I not know he wasn't dropping me off where I'm not supposed to be at! I swing myself at the passenger window and wait till he'll say something ordinary but he stayed quiet. Chanyeol dropped by a apartment that had many beautiful windows. We glared at it then he made his assumptions, "Do you know this?" I clearly didn't, "No..." I got out of the car and started walking the opposite direction of the car. Chanyeol got out of the car and yelled out, "Where are you going?" I responded, "Chanyeol, I am going home. It's late and I need to get home..." I again starting walking away and I felt this huge snug on my left arm. Chanyeol stared in to my eyes and  pressed on my shoulders as I look at him. "Don't tell me you don't remember this? This is where everything started... It was where I -" I slowly put Chanyeol's arms down from my shoulders and look over the apartment and shook my head at Chanyeol, "I don't know what we had back then or what even happened but I don't remember you or this. If you can, leave me alone and act like nothing happened." Chanyeol dropped down on his knee and I felt gracious horrible but I couldn't heal him. Waking away from Chanyeol didn't seem right but what can I do?

Next day :

I woke up from a bad dream, I dream that I was brutally hit by a car and I literally flew over the blue moon. Everything seems to have stop and I clearly was dead, to mention, I met Jesus. It was the upmost thing that happened to me. I was really sad in my sleep and soon here too. I found myself crying in my sleep and I felt this thumb on my heart and it felted as I was meant to felt this pain because of Chanyeol.

I came to practice early to turn in my resignation form to Chanyeol but he wasn't in his office. I didn't know where to put my form so I came over to his desk and bottom beneath I see a crane sitting down. I picked it up and placed the crane on top of my form and left for good. While I took 3 steps away from the desk, I tip toe back to the desk and observed the crane and saw wording on it's wings and it said, "The day I got your heart." The handwriting looked like mines and and what? I drop the crane down with surprised  and when I turn I saw Chanyeol standing at the door. I thought I was alone but I guess wrong. Chanyeol sprint at me and I felt his chest pressed down against mines and I forwardly look down scared and embarrassed. Chanyeol backed off pulling down his head and asked a question, "What are you doing here?" I slowly walk backward and answered at the same time, "I came to drop of a form. It's right right there!" I quickly ran out. My heart, I feel something dovy and it's not the first time.

I saw Hymi coming out of the bathroom and I suddenly ran to her.  I snug my arms around her and she did the same. I stayed quiet lying down on her chest and just embracing it while it last. Hymi question me, "What is wrong?" I played with her hair and faced her, "Promise me, you're going to be a star. Ever since my Dad happened, I felt like I was only pursuing yours, not that it was bad but I wondered what will happen if I took this opportunity as an intern as a writer." Hymi pinched my cheeks and jubilant with laughter and hugged me. I felt like I was doing something right for the first time. Hymi was pretty down to the fact that I won't be debuting in the future with her, but who knows what will happen. Maybe Hymi won't, maybe I won't get the job as a intern or maybe Chanyeol won't be okay... Who knows? Hymi and I sat down at the corner of the practice room and I told her one last thing that I haven't told anyone yet. "I got this envelope from Writers Top two days ago, in the envelope it got these apartment keys and the intern job description! It stated that if I take the intern job to write a very superb story line, my living in the apartment will be at free cost so why not take it?!?!" Hymi shake my arms in joy, "Are you planning to dorm with somebody? Or what?" I told Hymi that they're are two rooms so probably might be. I was in awe because of Hymi, I felt like now I can truly pursue mines and so will Hymi.

I left practice that night for good and I was sure I was done for good. It felt good, it felt like I was free. That night I went to Writers Top to inform them that I will be attending and be living off as a intern. After I got my keys and walk out of that door, I am official an intern! My phone rang and it was Chanyeol. I breathe like it was my last breath. I picked up the phone, "Hello?" Chanyeol was really quiet but I can hear his breathing. "Hello?" Chanyeol spoked, "Where are you?" I answered him, "I'm going to my new place. What's wrong?" Chanyeol hung up.

The apartment was really big... It had two bedding and the kitchen was pretty and metallic. The whole apartment was amazing and it looked similar. I unpacked my belongings on the corner of the room. It had on two beautiful windows and the room was partially small. I didn't think my life would change to be living like this. My phone rang and it was an unknown call. I picked up, "Open the door for me, its your roommate!" I question HIM! "What do you mean? Do you know why you're living here?" He replied, "I'm going to be an intern. Hurry." I hurried down but was cautious, I peeked through the hole and slowly opened it and saw CHANYEOL! Chanyeol hold the door and threw his stuff inside and came in like a boss. I was shocked and not moved. "What are you doing?! You sure are crazy and rude!" Chanyeol smiled, "Hello, roommate!"

Hi my lovely readers! I am so sorry for the late chapter but I hope you enjoy this chapter and look forward to the next one! I hope you guys screamed and shiver on the last part where Chanyeol said hello to Haneul! It made me screamed but Thank you so much! Much love! Xoxo Stay tune for the next chapter in 2-3 weeks or so!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2018 ⏰

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