America x Reader- "Okay?"

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Well, today was the worst day of your life. Who knew your birthday could have went that bad? 

First off, you had to go to school. To make it worst, it was a school you hated with all your heart. You only had a small group and friends, and you were always left out. The only person you really had to hang out with was (bf/n), (bf/n), and Alfred. Yep, that was it. You tried to play it off cool like it didn't bother you, but on the inside you were dying to be a popular kid, just less shallow. 

As you walked down the halls, your (h/c) hair swayed side to side. You had a brisk pace, trying not to run, but also not walking. Picking up the pace, you quickly came to a halt when a hand pulled your shoulder backwards. 

"Yo, dudette! Where are you heading to in a rush?" Your loud, American friend asked/ yelled at you.

"Ugh, your so loud, Alfred. Keep it down, I'm already having a bad day."

Alfred slightly raised an eyebrow. On the inside, a part of you died when he did that, but on the outside, you were boiling. 

"If you don't have anything to say, then leave me alone." You continued walking, hearing his loud boots clicking on the polished school floor. 

"Okay, fine (Y/n), I'll leave you alone, but you have to promise to come to my house at 8, kay?"

You sighed, "Kay."

Alfred smiled and continued walking, but this time wasn't creepily following you, but walking next to you. 

"Maybe "Kay" will be our always?" You turned over to Alfred o fins him smiling and looking at you.

"Shut up, my American Romeo." You said, slightly chuckling. Alfred's grin became bigger and bigger by every second and you couldn't help but smile. 

"Okay, I'll see later." You said, stopping and looking at Alfred.


"Shut up..." Alfred laughing his obnoxious laugh, walking away, while still quoting other John Green books.

You sighed as you smiled. "My idiot friend..."

~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip by Ze Awesome Prussia~~~~~~~~~~

8' o clock PM

Alfred's house:

You walked up to Alfred's house only to find all the lights were off. 

"Dear god Alfred, what are you up to now?'

You knocked on the door, only for no response. You sighed, and opened the door. Surprisingly, the door wasn't locked. The whole house was dark as who knows what? You continued to walk into the house, but stopped once you bumped into to something. You heard a soft shuffle, but didn't move one inch. A loud click was heard s you heard everyone yell, "Surprise!" You jumped in shock, only to jump into the arms of Alfred. 

"I almost thought you weren't coming!" Alfred said as he finally put you down.  You looked around to find a room of people who you didn't know. "Oh, don't worry about them, they're friends of mine!"

Alfred pulled you over to the group of people and introduced you to all of his friends. 

~~~~Another Timeskip ~~~~~

It was late in the night and everyone was now leaving. You were about to leave when Alfred grabbed your hand and pulled you into his arms. You looked up to Alfred to see his face completely red with blush. A slight blush covered your face as you both awkwardly stood there. 

"(Y-y/n), so we've been friends for a really, really, really, re-"

"I get it, Alfie." You said slightly annoyed. 

"Okay, okay. What I wanted to tell you is, I like you, a lot, and I was wondering if you wanted to, you know-" 

"Sure! I-I mean, yeah, that seems cool." Alfred laughed as you just blushed harder. 

"Well. see you later "Alfie."" You said as you walked out of his house. 


"Ugh, Okay."

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