UK x Reader: "Love?"

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                  Yep, today is Monday. A new beginning from the previous week. Except, you didn't want a new beginning. You just wanted the day to go like any other day; Ignoring the teacher, staring at your crush until he looks back at you, and forgetting everything you needed for every class. Yep, you were living the life. Lately, though, everything seemed off... I mean everything always seems off when everyone is acting nice to you, but this was weird. Today, everyone was smiling, from the fun loving Bad Touch Trio, who of course, were your best friends, to the music nerds, this boy named Austria and his friends, to the Nordics, also your friends, Matthias, Lukas, Berwald, Tino, and Emil. It was quite rare to see everyone smiling all at once, but you went with the flow, and sat down next to your best friends, Gilbert, Antonio, and Francis.

"Keskeskeskeskeskeskeskes.. What makes you join zhe awesome Gilbert as he eats his lunch?" Gilbert, your albino friend said laughing his obnoxious laugh. You looked around dully, and smiled at Gilbert. Sarcastically you smiled and said," WELL... This is America, and in America you can sit by whoever you want, because, and only for his reason Gilbert, we are "awesomer" than any Prussian in the world." You slightly chuckled to yourself as you tried to keep a firm smiling, but failed once Gilbert started cussing you out in German. Antonio and Francis laughed alongside you until your laughing was interrupted by someone tapping your shoulder. You turned on your heels, still sitting in the seat though, and looked up to see your crush, Arthur Kirkland, standing right in front on you.

"(y-y-y-y-y-)" Arthur started but was interrupted by Gilbert. "(y/n) WHAT?!" You looked at Gilbert, giving him a death stare, and brought your focus back to the stuttering Arthur. 

"*clears throat* I wanted to know if you wanted to come over to my house for a study date of sorts." Arthur looked down, clearly trying to hide the blush on his face, but failing miserably. Inside, you were freaking out, about to jump out of your skin screaming, " YES!",  but you decided to keep your cool and say," For a guy that spells color c.o.l.o.U.r, you really need the help, so that is a yes, a definite yes, I mean, even though you only need help with that one thing, I think we should have more than one session, like maybe one at a restaurant, yeah, that would be nice..." After a few seconds, you finally realized what you were saying from the weird glances everyone was giving you, and quickly corrected yourself. After your quick self check, Arthur gave you his address, and as soon as he left, or was out of hearing distance, the whole BTT starting thinking of scenarios where anything could happen, most of them being dirty, making you laugh.

_______Time Skip Because I Can _____

It was about five in the afternoon and you had just finish setting out snacks for your "Study Date". You heard a faint knock on your door and you bolted towards the source of the sound. You yanked the door back, and pulled your date inside the door. You just stared at his face as you creepily closed your door. A faint blush dusted upon the British's boy's face as he looked towards the ground. 

"So...  Are you ready for the most awkward study session in your life?" You asked to end the painful silence.

"Yes, love, I am." Arthur replied, walking into your living room.

Internally, you were freaking out! Oh My Globb! He called me "love"! We must already have this thing going for us! Yes!

While smiling like an idiot, you walked into your living room and sat down at the end of the coffee table. Arthur opened his book and then the awkward study session happened. Long story short, all you did was study. Right as Arthur was about to leave, though, you shared one last quick conversation.

"Goodbye, Love." Arthur said as he walked out of the door. You quickly grabbed his arm, so very unlady like, and pulled him back in.

"Wait! So does that mean you like me, or not Arthur! Your giving me mixed signs here! It's like an Italian giving flowers to a German on Valentine's Day! (Hetalia Reference Anybody?) It may be usual for you, but not to people out of country!"

The British boy just stared at you, his blush growing bigger and bigger until he said," I like you (Y/n) a lot, and I always have. I just wanted to tell you in a way that I did not have to tell you directly. I'm sorry for confusing you." Arthur frowned but you just smiled and pushed him out of the house and shouted, "I'll see you tomorrow at school!"

______ Another Time Skip ______

"So that's how I met your father." 

"Vhat, wait (y/n)?!?" Gilbert shouted at you as you told your friends the story of last night's "Study Date." 

"Ohonhonhonhon... It seems like (y/n) has a few plans for the future."

"Ah, the chica has a few feeling for "Eyebrows"?" Spain asked, chuckling at everyone's nickname for your new boyfriend.

"Stop calling him that!"

So the day ended as usual, you chased your obnoxious friends around the cafeteria as they tried to escape your metal grip.

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