Chapter 9: I think I got it

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Hey Mahomies as you know Austin Won his first award yesterday 4\27\13

This Chapter is not long but I might upload Saturday  {:

Hope you like it not edit

Update Date:4\28\13

 Recap:  " I was thinking to go to the beach tomorrow " The beach I haven't been there in a long time. I nob my head. We arrived at his home his mom was sleeping I was feeling weird about this anything can happen, I know Austin wasn't that type of guy. He grabs my hand takes me up to his room.

Chapter 9: I think I got it 

I woke up because of  the sunlight coming from the blinds, I slowly pick up my head trying to open my eyes. I sat there looking around for a while I pulled the covers away from my body. Felt my feet touch the soft carpet. 'Wait this is not my room' I question my self. I stopped at my track. I found a bed across from me I squirt my eyes. The body move over showing it face. Oh I'm at Austin's house, in  Austin's room, sleeping in Austin's bed. Woah and my brother were okay with it  he must been high or something.

Austin looked cute with his bed hair it was sticky out all messed up. I small giggle left my mouth. I made my way to him sat down right in front of him. I watched him. He started moving around his eyes open a little then closed. " Woah " he gets up very fast. I started laughing I must of scared him. 

"Ally you scared me," he says. Placing a hand over his chest. 

 "I'm sorry"

"sure you are" I wasn't really, it was hilarious. He takes the sheets off from the bed and throws them on the floor. Drags the bed and slides it under the bed. "Can I touch your hair" That slip out of my mouth he just began laughing. I gave him a serious look, he goes on this both knees puts his head down. 

I ran my fingers throw his soft smooth hair it felt nice. He gets back up. "that's better,"  I said smiling at him. 

"let's go eat I'm cooking," he says. What, this should be good. We walk down the stairs. "Your mom" I said very quick. 

"At work" That was good to hear. I just didn't want her to catch me staying the night without asking her.

I sat at one the stool watch him took out the eggs and a pancake mix. He turned on the oven pour the oil in. He was doing good so far till I saw smoke. "are you sure you don't need help" I asked him again. 

"I got this" I laughed. 


"here you go" laying down a black pancake on my plate. "Austin I'm not eating his,"  I told him. I felt bad for the pancake. 

"Fine you cook" I laughed taking the spatula from his hand then started cooking. He was watching me  with amazement. 

"Austin if I was you I would take notes" I joke at him. " Very funny Ally " 

I place down a perfectly cooked not burned pancake on his plate with some eggs he cooked before. 

We ate having silent take over. Beep Austin checks his phone and places it back down.

"Robert wants be to come over" he says

"Then go,"  I said putting a pieces of pancake in my mouth chewing it slowly. 

"really" I nob my head. "what about the beach" 

"we can go next week go have fun," I told him. I was fine with him hanging with his friends anyway I need to talk to Jack about something I had on my mind since Austin and James fight. 

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