Chapter 2

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Hey Mahomies!(:

 ★ Enjoy ★

AND HAPPY 11\11\12♥

Chapter 2 

New Girl 

The bell has rung and everyone else has rushed out, but me. I waited till they all left before getting up. When leaving the classroom Ms. Grace told me goodbye with a sweet smile. I told goodbye, giving her a small wave. Out the door I see Austin standing there waiting for me. Just like he had said he will. "Hey, how did your class go," he says smiling at me. Oh boy, that smile is a killer. No, need for a gun when has that pretty smile to flash.

"It went well and yours?"

"Good, good, and my class was boring, had to take a nap." He looks down at my schedule. "Mmm, you now have AP Biology. Wow, so you're beautiful and smart, huh?" I laughed. "Just a little"

"A little? You're taking three AP's classes. Is it hard keeping up?"

"Yep, lots and lots and lots of studying though" he laughed.

"I bet it is. Well, here's your class, I will see you later" he hands me my schedule before running off to his class. Aw, what if he's late? I don't want that to happen. I enter my classroom taking a seat in the back. I'm ready to learn.

Just like last time he waited for me by the door and took me to my next class. But now we have lunch and since I'm sitting with him, he's showing me to the cafeteria. The cafeteria didn't hold to my expectations. I expect much more space and more school spirit around the walls. However, they do have Papa's John in their cafeteria so no points lost.

Austin points to a blue round table in the back and tells me he will be back. I calmly take off my backpack placing it next to me. I pulled my phone out and started checking my text messages. I have five text messages from James, my stupid ex-boyfriend. Why can't he just take a hint?

I glanced up to see three guys standing in front of me looking down at me.

"Are you lost," one of the guys asked.

"She's with me," Austin said before I could get a word out. The way he said that turned my face like a tomato. I quickly turned the other way so they couldn't see what was going on, on my cheeks.

"Ally these are my boys, my ride and die, my homies for life. This is Ally, she's new to Lake Ridge High" They all introduce themselves. We have Alex, Robert, and Tyler.

"Are you going to eat" I heard Austin say while his friends go off to the line.

"I forgot my money" Oh my! That totally went over my head. I guess those nerves did get the best of me.

"Don't worry I will get you something" he starts walking to the line skipping people to reach his friends. Wow, I honestly didn't expect him to do that for me. I checked my messages on my phone again now having eight all from James.

Hey Ally

Can you text me back??

We need to talk like now

Please text me back

And more bs I don't feel like reading. All his messages are from this morning. I'm not really planning to text him back. If you are wondering what happens between us well here's a quick story.

When I first started dating James everyone told me he changed. He stopped doing drugs, sleeping with girls, getting in trouble, he changed. The ten months with him were wonderful. He was truly that type of sweet guy girls will daydream about. He would take me on dates, surprise me with gifts, and go on walks, all amazing things. However, one day I went to stop by his house to see if he still wanted to come to my competition. He wasn't replying to my text messages. When I was going to knock on the door the window blades were open I pecked through them and saw him making out with Becca Weinberg. My heart was ripped out of my chest and stomped on a million times. I ran home crying my eyes out. I lost my competition that day and injured my ankle. But that was 5 months ago I'm over him now.

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