Chapter Forty

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I loved the feeling of being able to wake up with Shina next to me, my arms wrapped around her and our legs entwined. Getting to hold her and touch her as much as I wanted was an addictive thing. Especially now that she'd learned to behave these last couple of months.

All it had taken was using a few of the tricks I had learned from Elijah while he gave had me under his 'special care' in that damnable cell of his. Just a few mind games he'd taught me without even realizing it and she was tamed.

A little broken, perhaps, but now I had a chance to fix her back into what she should have been all these years. When I was done, she would be perfect again, just like she used to be. After all, she was more than worth the effort it would take.

Smirking slightly, I began tracing my fingers up and down her side. All this time and she was still just as lovely as she had been when we met. I leaned over slightly as I began kissing her neck.

"Shina... Wake up... It's time to play."


For the next few months, I'd been moving us around from place to place. Finally, I found someplace that I knew we would be safe at. Even Elijah's best searchers would never find us here.

Not only had the place been long abandoned, there was no record to be found of it ever having existed in the first place. A little cleaning and this would be the best home we could ever ask for.

Especially to raise a family. Reaching over to Shina, I placed a hand on the tiny bump that had started appearing.

"Mine. This time, it's mine."

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