Anger Management

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Our guests were arriving and the house was looking party like.

"Salma!" Aunty Amina says and hugs the woman.

"How are you? We haven't talked since you've been all caught up with the wedding" she says

"Yea I know anyway, this is the girl who stole my sons heart. Actually mine too!" Aunty Amina says and I blush.

"Wow wow! I finally get to see you ! Come here you heart stealer." She says pulling me into a hug. Woah.. She's friendly.

We talked with her for a while and things seemed okay. We met with another woman this time a group. They were all having such intense conversations that I just stood there thinking who's Layla?Ayesha?Carly? Mary?Siddiqa?

Too many people I met and those people were talking about other people so basically, I felt like I was having a final exam. I thought okay 50 people that's fine but around 250? Oh come on! It was pretty crowded.

"So how's it living here?" Noor asks me. She was my friend from school who Coincidentally was staying over at her friends whose mom is friends with aunty Amina.

" mother in law is great! She's such a beautiful person it just... I can't help but feel connected to her. She's like a mother to me you know?"

"Woah has she been threatening you to sweet talk about her? If she is, you can tell me I won't tell a single soul." She whispers and I laugh.

"No, no Noor I'm being serious she's great!" I say and she smiles being satisfied.

"And what about him?" She asks with a smirk and nudging me.

Why is she smirking?

"Who?" I ask confused.

"Don't play dumb."

"Who are you talking about? You mean my dad? He's fine,we haven't got the chance-"

"No not your dad stupid! I mean your husband." She says with a grin.

Oh great he had to be brought up!
I almost forgot about him. Seriously. I forgot he existed

I can't give anyone the impression that he's a cold-hearted monster who thinks of himself as a king. I think even kings are more humble than him.

"Oh yeah he' know he's.." I couldn't think of a word to describe him without lying. I mean nice? Polite? Funny? Respectful? Those words don't even exist for him.

"Interesting. Yeah" I say nodding my head.

"I've heard some pretty weird things." She says

"How so?"

"Some people say he's an addict some people say he's a player some say he's hot some say he's a flirt some say say he's a dealer. They say he looks like those bad ass type. I've never met him and-"

"No! Don't make that mistake!-" I shout. She looks at me completely surprised. She was probably not expecting that.

" seem a bit too possessive over him..." She mumbles and My face burns red.

"No what I mean is that, he's um he's not very social and ....I mean you could see him but just don't expect me to introduce you to him because it was hard for him to introduce himself to me." I say and she nods.

"Okay good. Anyway People are leaving and so is my aunt see you soon?" She says and I nod

"Ma Salama!" I call out and she waves back and I watch as everyone starts to make it to the door and I walk to the door and say Salam to them all and thank them for coming.

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