Exploring Belgium

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Qulsum's POV.

I ran out and I heard them shouting after me I quickly went through an ally jumped and took a left and ran until I was sure they had lost me.

I don't know why I went to touch it. I'm pretty sure I'm going to get into a lot of trouble. I'm just worried if Yaseen saw me.

I pulled out the brochure and saw a park on it. It looked safe enough so I got into a cab and once I was there I paid the driver and began looking around. People sat there having picnics. It was such a calm place.

Filled with open nature and smells of fresh flowers.

I sat down and picked out a flower and smelled it.

"You shouldn't be doing that." An older looking woman says.

"Says who?"

"Me. This rule doesn't need to be written. It's just logic."

I fold my arms and stare at her.

"Ma'am I am simply... protecting this park. You're killing these."

"Okay Okay, sorry." I say and she forces a smile and then mutters something in french and then walks off back to her family.

I didn't do anything. Just sat until I felt shade. I turn and see a little girl behind me looking straight at me.

"Hi!" She says and I smile.

"Oh, hi!" I say and she sits down in front of me.

"My names, Esmeralda, What's yours?"

I let out a small laugh. She seemed like maybe she was, 6 or 7 years old. She had curly blonde hair and a pretty little dress.

"I'm Qulsum."

"Wow, that's a weird name."

My smile fades away.

"I like it." She says as her smile grew bigger.

"Oh thanks, yours is nice too."

"Thanks, So what're you doing here all alone?"

It surprised me how mature she sounded when she was so young.

"I'm just here to explore. I just came to Belgium yesterday."

"Oh, I moved here last month."

"Oh, that's cool."

"I heard you speaking English to that ratty old lady, and since other kids here speak another language I can't talk to them."

I laugh and so does she.

"How do you know she's ratty?"

"She's my neighbor. She's always yelling at kids in French or something. I always laugh cause I don' even know what she's saying."


"Whose your neighbor? are they nice?"

"Oh, I'm just visiting. Um, won't your parents get mad since you're just talking to a random stranger?"

"Oh, I told them before I came, see look over there." She says pointing to a couple who looked like they were around 40, they had an older teenager son and a younger son."

"Oh, well you have siblings too."

"Yeah, you wanna come meet my family? They're real nice. You're alone anyway, c'mon" She says taking my hand. I don't think this is a good idea..


"C'mon" She says tugging on my hand and I get up.

"Okay.." I mumble as she leads me to them.

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