Chapter 1

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     A lone boy sat dejectedly in a large empty classroom, his gaze focused on the wooden surface in front of him and his bottom lip held firmly in between his teeth. His bright blue eyes glistened with tears and his shoulders shook with soft sobs. He could hear the rest of his class outside playing on the playground, their laughter causing him to cry just a bit harder.

'It wasn't my fault..' he thought miserably to himself. One of the boys who bullied him relentlessly had made a game out of throwing paper balls at his head. He had instinctively tried to evade them and accidentally ended up falling out of his chair onto the floor. So along with his recess being taken away Mr. Jameson was also going to call his parents. "They're going to kill me..." he whimpered. Normally parents wouldn't be called over such a minor infraction but his parents were so strict they personally told all his teachers to let them know if he acted up in any way.

It was ten minutes later when Mr.Jameson and his whole fifth grade class shuffled back into the classroom. Nuka, the bully who had gotten him in trouble in the first place, looked at him and snickered from his seat two rows back. He threw a glare back at him and the mean boy smirked in response.

As the day drug on the poor child found it hard to concentrate on his lessons, the only thought he could focus on was what would happen once he finally made it home. And, much sooner than he would've liked, the final bell rang and they were all dismissed. He slung his backpack over one shoulder and hurried out before the teacher could find some other reason to call his parents. He quickly passed all his talkative loitering classmates and started his walk home. His house was three blocks from the school but today that seemed like much too short a distance as he soon found himself standing outside his door. He took a deep shaky breath ,turned the door knob and entered. He had barely made it over the threshold when he felt his cheek explode in pain. He tasted coppery liquid that dribbled out of the corner of his mouth.

"I-I'm sorry Mom..." he said softly feeling his eyes well up with tears, he cradled his cheek and looked up into his mother's glaring eyes. "You will be once your father gets home. Go upstairs, you don't get any food tonight you little brat!" She raised her hand threateningly and he ducked and scrambled up the stairs into his room and shut the door. Once safe from his mother he threw his backpack down and crawled into his bed and curled up into a little ball beneath the covers. He closed his eyes tightly and hummed envisioning himself on a beach somewhere swimming with his friends in the ocean. He opened his eyes and sighed sadly...if only there was someone who actually wanted to be his friend. He was torn out of his thoughts by a loud banging at his door. He slowly and apprehensively left the safety of his bed but before he could open the door it swung in and slammed against the wall loudly.

The boy's eyes widened as his father stepped into the room.

"Noah!" he growled angrily. The child glanced up at him with fear. "What have I told you about this door!"

"Not to c-close it..I'm sorry Dad!"He gulped as he could almost see steam coming out of his father's ears. The man advanced on the child and backed Noah into a corner."That's two strikes! First you are bad at school and then you close your door even after I've specifically told you not to over and over again." His Dad spat as he loomed over him.

" I-I'm sorry Dad, I d-didn't mean to be bad and dis-disobey your orders, please don't punish me..."Noah pleaded terrified. "Naughty little boys deserve to be punished." his father unbuckled his belt and yanked it free from his trousers. He grabbed the boy and ripped his shirt and pants off and threw them across the room. As he stood shivering in his boxers his father turned him around and unleashed hell on the child. Lash after lash fell upon his back and it was all Noah could do to not cry out in pain. He winced as he felt the belt buckle cut into his skin.By the time his father moved on to his buttocks his back was a bloody bruised mess. He bent the boy over the bed so he could better reach his target. His thin shorts did little to protect him from the brutal belt and once it started hitting his thighs he knew his boxers were done for. Noah bit back a scream as his father continued to beat him.As he finished the boy was sobbing so hard he was having trouble breathing. His Father left him broken, beaten, and alone.

Noah was in so much pain he grimaced as he pulled himself up so he could lay down. Once his head hit the pillow he fell into a restless sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2015 ⏰

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