Chapter 44

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I'm sorry for not updating. I am a horrible person with horrible outcomes. I admit that I don't try at all and i am super sorry frands.

Chapter 44 

My feelings were running wild, as stupid as that sounded, it was completely true. I couldn't think properly, I couldn't move without being deprived from more. I wanted more.

He grabbed onto my shirt and pulled me closer to him until I was tightly pressed against his body. I could feel his heart pounding in his chest, and I wondered if mine was doing the same.

Of course it was, the mental part of me loved this stupid boy.

I began to run my hands through his hair, and surprisingly enough, he seemed to enjoy it quite well. I had a interesting feeling of dominance for the first time, almost like he wanted me to take charge, so of course I did. 

Honestly, if I wasn't enjoying it so much I'd probably die of how he was currently crushing my body with how tight he was hugging me. It was like he feared I'd leave.

He's never done something like this before.

I broke away for air, because if I didn't I knew I was on the verge of passing out.

"I guess that was another experiment." I breathed, trying to catch my balance as his grip loosened. 

He shook his head, "No," His breathing was just as rapid as mine, "That was just for fun."

"So you think it's fun?"

"I'm a male college student who has never had a girlfriend previously before you, what do you think?"

"Okay, yeah, that makes sense."

He grinned, which caused me to do the same. Stepping away from each other, I had completely forgotten about going back to my dorm, as I walked over to my desk and sat down. 

He followed me, and sat in the desk beside mine. I took out my books from my book-bag, and sat in silence. I was wide awake now. Ed didn't bother trying to speak, so I sat there thinking about what just happened. 

It was intense. It seemed like every time we'd kiss, he'd get rougher and rougher, like he was famished for it. Not that I was complaining. What if next time he wanted to get more serious?

I was not ready for that.

I took the rest of the time to study, not that I really could focus, for nearly three hours I sat there wondering about me and Ed. Students began to fill up the room one by one and I hadn't even noticed until the Professor walked in and slammed books down on his desk to shut everyone up. I looked at the desk beside me and realized Ed had already left to his own desk probably a while ago.

I began to keep my focus on the professor. Or at least, I tried to keep my focus on him. It was incredibly difficult to focus on anything. I glanced over at Ed, he was staring at the professor, listening as I was supposed to be doing.

How could he so easily just forget about what just happened?

Was I making too big of a deal about this? 

I noticed while staring at Ed, that behind him sat the boy that I ran into this morning. It was a bit unsettling as he was staring straight back at me. We locked gazes for a moment, and then he mouthed some words that I couldn't quite understand. I mouthed back the word "what" and he smiled and pointed a the professor, it was then I understood he was trying to tell me to pay attention.

I rolled my eyes at him, and looked forward, making sure my eyes were locked on the professor so the boy wouldn't scold me after class.  He seemed like the intelligent type. Just like Ed, but with way more humor, and maybe a heart.

"Last night." The Professor stated, as he took a drink from a coffee cup that was on his desk, "I got to thinking." 

The room was suddenly filled with muffled moans, and eye rolls. We all knew what this meant.

He frowned sarcastically, "No, I'm not going to make you guys do any extra assignments, stop complaining, or I will think of something drastic to give you instead."

Everyone shut up after that.

"Last night, my wife and I were sitting down planning my five year old's birthday, and as I was in the process of brainstorming ideas where I could take my son without finding him shoving dirt in his mouth, or slipping a bug down his pants, I realized something rather incredible." He leaned against his desk and continued, "This life of ours, it is so damn quick, and yet, we are all different in how we handle our short years. You see, when I was four, I was already reading, and well, nearly finishing kindergarten. But, my son, he's so stupid, he's so naive to simple things, honestly, I just hope he makes it to high school; but he still understands the concept of living. No matter our age, no matter if we get the same education or not, we all will see life differently. We all will achieve crossing the finish line of living to our death in a different way.  I want you all to remember this."  He paused,  "I want you all to remember that if you do something opposite of your friends, or someone you look up too, you will always make it in the end. We are all heading down the same path of life, but we all have our own ways of getting there. Some of us crawl, some of us run, some of us dance, some of us skip, it's just all a matter of time until we get to the destination that is waiting for every one of us. So please, remember that. I hope that none of you try to seek out any shortcuts and take them like Emilia did."

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