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"You are so cheating!" I yelled at Damian for the umpteenth time.

"Xanaia you know very well that I'm not cheating, so stop stalling and pay me my rent," he said smugly.

"I don't have any money!" I whined, he raised an eyebrow at me indicating I had to make a settlement of some kind.

I wracked my brain trying to come up with something of value to barter with this mean old loan shark, gosh Monopoly could get out of hand so quickly. I found myself wondering why Lia and I even suggested this game when we clearly weren't any good at it. Here I thought being his wife's best friend would come with benefits, clearly I was wrong in that assumption.

"Okay, how about the exclusive right to name my first born child?" I offered.

"Uhhhhh not gonna happen you already gave me that right as well as free reign to plan your wedding," Lia said defending her ownership of those two particular life events.

I groaned as I did indeed remember the deal I struck with her on her wedding day to keep her from revoking our friendship. I looked at Lia with pleading eyes, silently begging for her help to get out of this bind. She held my gaze for a few seconds before giving in with a lot of grumbling. I smiled, knowing that Damian would misinterpret what her resignation meant.

I sat still, waiting for my cue to make a grand escape. It came when Lia straddled her husband and started making out with him. As I quickly gathered my things I couldn't help but be impressed and feel proud that my bestie was so smoking that she could turn her husband's brain to mush even when she was six months pregnant with their child.

I grabbed my phone and tip toed out to the foyer, waiting until I was at the door before calling out.

"See ya later sucker!" I yelled as I made my exit and cackled loudly.

I knew Lia was gonna get it for her part in the deceit, but no doubt that lucky ducky would enjoy every bit of her "punishment". It was just part of the thug law, sometimes you had to take one for the team.

It was about nine in the night and it wasn't like I had a super hot husband waiting for me at home, so I decided to take my party of one to the nearest bar or night club. I pulled up to one of the most popular clubs in Manhattan, fully intending to flirt my way in somehow.

Ora was like the ultimate hot spot to rub elbows with the rich and famous, and tonight was the night I would get in.

I lingered around the entrance after parking, not wanting to join the line and end up missing my chance to get in. I pretended to be texting so it wouldn't look too conspicuous that I was just standing there. In my peripheral I saw a tall black man about to go by me and straight to the door so I quickly angled my body knowing he would bump into me. He hesitated a moment and I immediately latched on to his arm like a ninja slug, falling into step with him. He tensed a bit and I briefly worried he would blow my cover but then he chuckled lightly, opting to be my ride in. The security guard, barely glanced at us before stepping aside to allow us in. I mentally did a happy dance as I accomplished my mission.

"Hey, thanks bud!" I said to the stranger, intending to part ways and enjoy my night.

"Now wait just a minute Miss Echeveria," the deep voiced stranger said.

He gripped my arm lightly to keep me from moving off. His touch and the familiar sound of his voice sent tremors through my body. There was only one way this man would know who I am, I turned and found myself looking into the amused eyes of none other than Zandre Alexander himself.

Ugh! Why do the villains have to be all hot and smooth and stuff! I sighed internally.

I glared at him and tried to remove my arm from his hold. He didn't even seem to register my escape attempts.

Damn all his sexy muscles!

"You can't possibly intend to use me and not even buy me a drink tonight," he said, close to my ear so I could hear him over the music.

I opened my mouth to answer but the words wouldn't come as my body struggled to recover from the effect feeling his warm breath on my neck had.

Gosh! What is this sorcery!? I thought as he took advantage of my immobility and propelled me towards the VIP lounge.

He ordered us drinks and pointed towards a group of couches where we would apparently be sitting. Finally regaining my senses I ripped my arm from his, ready to give the jerk that was tormenting my family a piece of my mind and there was no doubt Lia was family to me, which included Damian by extension.

He saw it coming and in a desperate attempt to keep me from causing a scene, he kissed me. What was worst was that I liked it and kissed him back. We were both breathing heavily as we pulled back. He ran his thumb over my tender lips while looking me deep in the eyes, I literally felt myself being drawn in by those chocolate brown orbs.

"How about tonight we just do us and leave all conflict outside this club?" He asked genuinely, I nodded compliance and leaned in needing to have his lips on mine again. Just tonight wouldn't hurt, right?

I stumbled quietly through his dark apartment gathering my things, too afraid of waking him to turn on the lights. I quickly disarmed the alarm which thankfully didn't need a code to open the door from the inside. Once in the elevator I slipped my shoes back on and leaned my head against the cool interior with closed eyes,needing time to come to grips with what I had just done. Several times.

The doorman let me out and offered to get me a taxi. I politely refused, not wanting to face my empty apartment right now especially after the predicament my loneliness had gotten me into.

I took out my phone and called the only other place that I wouldn't have to be alone with my thoughts.

He picked up,"Hello?"

"D-Damian, I'm in trouble," I whispered, "can you come get me, please?"

I'd face everything tomorrow, well later actually. I definitely wasn't going to work tomorrow.

Marriage by Bargain - Book 2Where stories live. Discover now