Chapter Fifteen

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The door was flung open the minute I hung up. I smirked up at my father and cousin from my spot on the bed. They didn't need to ask what I'd done because the look on my face said it all. I chewed loudly on a crunchy carrot fry, savoring the sweet yet tangy taste of the chocolate and relish topping. The combination was orgasmic! I couldn't fathom why I never thought of it before now. An outraged sputtering sound reminded me that I wasn't alone in the room. I met the eyes of my red faced father.

"You should probably breathe, you know so you don't die or something. I mean as much as I dislike you right now I wouldn't want you to expire before my baby meets you, or better yet before you walk me down the aisle," I rambled, "when I'm marrying Zandre of course," I added quickly.

He looked at me with an expression of pure exasperation. I could tell he didn't expect me to be as strong willed as I was, which was understandable because I used to be an obedient child. Well except for when my cousins and I were getting into all sorts of mischief. After my mother died and he sent me away, he had expected my guardians to raise me to be a docile wallflower, unfortunately he didn't anticipate me knocking heads with Amelia Costa and breaking out of that mold. Now there was no way I was going back, I had far too much street cred riding on this. I couldn't go back home and tell Lia I had whimpered and fainted and begged for mercy like some kind of sissy. Heck no! I was thug to the bone! Sorry, not sorry Daddio.

I held out the hand holding the phone to my father, daring him to take it without an argument. We stared each other down for a full two minutes before he huffed and took the phone when I had begun chewing unnecessarily loudly on my fries.

"We will discuss later," he said halfheartedly, we both knew we wouldn't be discussing anything.

I watched him leave the room, Roberto turned to leave too but stopped and quickly came back to me. He gave me a fierce hug, catching me off guard.

"I'm proud of you, prima," he said pressing a familial kiss to my forehead.

I waited for him to leave and close the door before I let myself tear up. Damn affectionate gestures and my pregnancy hormones. I sniffled quietly and ate my treat in peace, silently hoping Zandre would come find me quickly so I could go back to pretending not to love his love.

At some unknown point I dozed off and woke up with my hand still inside the empty bag grasping at nonexistent fries. My stomach growled a bit and I knew I had to send Roberto out again to get me some food. I got up and went to the attached bathroom to wash the remnants of my snack and impromptu nap off my face. Couldn't walk around looking like a beastie, although that would probably be a good tactic to use to discourage my father and the men he chose from the foolish notion that they had a say in who I spent my life with. Just thinking about this whole debacle made me instantly grumpy, I was definitely hungry now. I ate extra when I was angry...or sad...or happy.

"Berto! Where are you, I'm hungry!" I yelled as I descended the stairs.

I didn't really need to shout since I knew he was in the living room which was right off the foyer, but there was something oddly satisfying about being loud in an otherwise quiet house. I snickered in childish glee. He didn't answer me, since we both knew I knew exactly where to find him. I strolled into the room not surprised that he was alone and engrossed in a game show. I couldn't understand how someone as cheerful and as playful as Roberto couldn't make friends. I refused to accept that his lonely existence was by choice. I had to do something about it.

"I don't know what has put that calculating look on your face, but the answer is no," he said firmly without even looking at me.

It was creepy how quickly he had caught on to my mannerisms and habits again since I'd been here.

"You don't even know if its a good or bad thing!" I snapped, stomping my foot childishly.

"Naia, its you. You're intentions may be good but there's no doubt whatever you're scheming will end badly for all involved parties," he said, stopping to mumble answers to the questions being asked on the TV.

I glared at the side of his head. He couldn't possibly think that for real, I mean yes I had caused our entire community to suffer a power outage when we were ten, but it was for a really good reason. I was only trying to help him get over his fear of the dark, and besides they got the electricity back on after a week. The point was it worked, even if he didn't want to admit it.

"Whatever! I'm hungry," I groused.

"What do you want to eat this time?" He asked with a slightly disgusted expression, anticipating whatever ridiculous combination my baby and I would crave.

I thought about it but couldn't come up with any particular item. Sensing my indecision, Roberto sighed and got up.

"Come on, I'll take you with me so you can choose," he said moving past me.

I was taken aback by the offer but I didn't dare comment. There was no way was I going to open my big mouth and forfeit this get out of jail free card. I scurried behind him not even tempted to go back upstairs to change, the outside world just have to embrace my super fly power puff girls pajama pants. This was my one chance to get close to going home to my friends and the man I loved. I suppose I could wait for Zandre to save me, or spare everyone the trouble by saving myself. It sounded like a pretty good idea to me, I just hoped that my kidnapping hadn't stopped Lia and Kim from being creatures of habit and that they'd be there when I was hatching my plan.

Sorry Berto, but a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do.

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