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Ashton was groggy and hurt in places he didn't know could hurt. The smell of disinfectant filled his nostrils as he took in his surroundings. He knew he was in the hospital, but that was the extent of his knowledge. He didn't know how he'd gotten there or who the beautiful blonde standing by his bed was.

"Who are you?" Ashton's face twisted in confusion while the girl's twisted in horror.

She didn't speak for a few minutes, the silence dragging on. The finally, she said, "I'm Kaylee, your girlfriend."

"No," Ashton shook his head. "Stevie is my girlfriend. We've been together for years."

"No, Ash. You and Stevie broke up four years ago." Kaylee's words didn't register with him, but he didn't have time to think it over. "I'm going to get a nurse. They'll want to know you're awake." She left the room and Ashton was still as confused as before.


After the nurse checked his vitals and brought him some jello, his mom and siblings came into his room.

"How are you guys so big?" was the first thing he said upon seeing Lauren and Harry.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked, exchanging a look with his sister.

"You're supposed to be seven years old."

"I'm eleven, Ash. Almost twelve."

"No. That means..." Ashton couldn't finish his sentence. He was too shocked at the realization that years of his memories were missing.

"Everything is fine," his mother told him, brushing his hair out of his face. "Let's wait to hear what the doctor has to say."

A knock at the door startled them, the doctor coming in. "I'm pleased to see you're awake, Ashton. We'll have to do some testing before you can be released. We want to make sure that everything is fine and there is no lasting damage."

"My memories are gone," he blurted out, that being his biggest concern.

"That's common, although all head injuries aren't the same. Some patients regain their memories in time and others never get them back. It's just a waiting game."

The doctor's words did nothing to comfort him, only anger him more. He wanted to hear that his memories were for sure coming back, that he wouldn't feel lost for the rest of his life.

"I'll be back to check in later," the doctor said, waving on his way out.

"Can I be alone for awhile?" he asked, wanting privacy to sort out his thoughts.

"Sure, honey. We'll be in the waiting room if you need us. Or push this if you need the nurse." She handed him the call button, placing it on his bed.

"Thanks," he forced out, his throat dry and scratchy.

He was only alone for a few minutes before there was another knock at his door. With a groan, he laid his head back in frustration.

"Hey," the visitor said and Ashton instantly felt better.

"Stevie," he smiled for the first time since waking up. She looked the same, even though Ashton knew she was some odd years older than he remembered.

"I'm so happy you're awake. I've missed you and there's so much I need to explain."

"Explain?" he asked, confused. For all he knew, they were still happily in a relationship.

"Never mind," she shook her head. "Now isn't the time."

"Okay," he said because he wasn't up to arguing. "Can you tell me how I ended up here though? The last thing I remember is me asking you to prom."

"Prom?" Stevie was the one shocked now. It never crossed her mind that Ashton would lose memories or time. "It's way passed prom, Ashton. Four, almost five years passed. You didn't even go to prom."

"I didn't? But you said yes..." he trailed off.

"We broke up before prom," she told him nervously. "Let's not talk about that though, ok?

"Sure," he said, thinking back to what the girl said. You and Stevie broke up four years ago. Maybe she was telling the truth and she was his girlfriend.

"So, you were in a car accident. With a tree," Stevie told him. "You were mad at me, or more accurately, my ex fiancé, so they think you had road rage and somehow hit the tree. You're lucky to be alive." Stevie placed her hand on his and he still felt the same twist in his stomach as whenever she touched him.

"Why was I mad?"

And even though Stevie said now wasn't the time, she went into how Aaron was cheating and she was oblivious. Then how she found out he was cheating with her sister, how Kaylee was just using Ashton, and that Aaron left her. She told him everything and he just laid there, still confused.

"I'm sorry," he said when she finished. "Our lives sound like a mess."

Stevie smiled sadly. "Yes," she agreed. "They are, but I don't know know if I'd have it any other way."

Ashton agreed, somewhat. Maybe he wished that he had his memories back or that he was still with Stevie, but he'd rather have trials because those are what make you stronger and into the person you're meant to be.

yay ash is awake. please vote and comment. xx zoe

p.s. I started a brad simpson (the vamps) story so pls check it out.

the picture seems like ashton's mood in this chapter to me.

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