Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

“Yeah, she’s probably still asleep, but I’ll wake her up for- Holy fucking shit!” Ashton’s conversation turned into a scream as he opened the bedroom door, his hand flying up to his face to cover his eyes.

Luke’s hands immediately grabbed the blankets and covered the both of us, using his naked upper body to cover my own in the process. Both of my hands covered my face as I felt it heat up in embarrassment. I heard Ashton begin to laugh uncontrollably, so hard I thought he was going to split in half. I groaned loudly and moved one hand off of my face to grip Luke’s shoulder and peer around it to look at Ashton, who was still cackling. I pulled Luke down a little more to make sure I was covered and held him there.

“Ashton, get out of here!” Luke yelled, his voice deeper than usual, his arm going back to make sure the blanket was covering his bare ass.

“Danielle, the phone’s for you,” he got out through his laughter. “Would you like me to take a message?”

“Ashton, get out!” I tried, knowing he wasn’t going to leave. He was having way too much fun torturing us. And I knew that he was going to bring this up every day for the rest of my life.

“Wow, this is worse than the time I walked in on you guys in the kitchen,” he said before reverting his attention back to the phone he had in his hand. “Oh yeah, did I ever tell you about the time that I walked in on Dani and Luke and Luke was literally about to go down on-“

“Ashton, shut the fuck up and give me the phone!” I shrieked, pulling the hand away from my face and holding it out for the phone. He giggled as he walked over to the bed and handed me the home phone. Who was calling me on the home phone, I had no idea. I snatched the phone out of his hand and Luke glared at him, adjusting the blankets so they covered us and using his arm to cover my side boob as Ash continued to giggle like a five year old girl. I held the phone up to my ear before covering the speaker and glaring at Ashton again. “Go make yourself useful and check on your niece and nephew, alright?”

He shrugged and left the room, shutting the door behind him as he continued to laugh. Luke rolled off from on top of me and sighed loudly, laying his face on my chest and wrapping his arm around my waist, pouting. I took my hand off the speaker and put it on his head, running my fingers through his hair. He sighed contently and placed a kiss on my chest and I smiled.

“Hello?” I spoke into the phone.

“So, how was it?” Zoe’s voice asked. “I’ve always wondered how your guy’s sex life was.”

“Oh my God, Zoe, shut up,” I whined through the phone. “Why are you calling so early?” Luke heard my whining and held onto me a little tighter, nuzzling his face into my skin so he was closer. He took a deep breath and shut his eyes, seeming to sink down a little. My fingers were still running through his hair and I heard him hum in content and mumble something about keep doing what I was doing.

“I’m calling to invite you to lunch today with Lexi and me. I want to see your guys’ rings. Seems like I’m the only sane one now, so I might as well have some fun with it. Besides, I haven’t seen you in a while and I want all the details about your dad and my favourite little flower.” She explained.

I agreed and she said to meet them at Red Robin at noon. I promised I would and hung up, placing the phone on the bedside table. I leaned back on the pillow and sighed happily as Luke’s fingers traced circles on my side.

“You do know any chance of us continuing this has been thrown out the window, right?” I questioned, leaning my head down so I could lean my cheek against his hair. It was softer than usual today, so I wanted to touch it as much as I could.

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