2. Kol and Caroline

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She drove mindlessly, before finally coming to a stop. There she was, at The Mystic Grill. Caroline can't believe she just spent her afternoon, trying to apologise to a man she hated. She had hated him so badly, so why had she just shown up at his front door a few minutes ago? Caroline shook her head, consumed by her own thoughts, while slowly stepping out of her car and into the Grill. No, she had came to apologise because she had felt guilty. Guilty for smearing the trust Klaus had given her.

"Can I have a cup of coffee, please?" Caroline called out to the bar tender, who nodded his head to acknowledge her order.

As she sat down, she slid her purse over onto the table, waiting patiently for her coffee to arrive. She has got to stop spending her time thinking about Klaus. It would do her no good, and it would further stress her relationship with Tyler. Tyler, she thought sadly. She wondered how he was doing, trying to control himself, she recalled. As Caroline continued day dreaming, her thoughts lost, a man came into the Grill. He was easy on the eyes, and he had a poise of confidence on him. As the man scanned the place nervously, his eyes rested on Caroline, who apparently didn't saw him coming. Without thinking, he unknowingly walked over to her, before finally resting his eyes on her pretty face.

"What do we have here? A pretty little thing alone and caught up in her thoughts." The man interrupted, causing Caroline to look up.

When she looked up, she was surprised to see a young man, smirking down at her. To others, he would pass of as a guy with devilish good looks and infinite charm, but to her, he was a disturbance. An annoyance. An enemy. Before she could reply, the man took a seat opposite her and clamped both of his hands together on the table.

"You must be Caroline Forbes." The man added, his eyes waiting for her reaction.

"And you must be Mr-I-Didn't-Invite-You-To-Sit-With-Me." Caroline snapped, obviously unhappy at her new companion.

The man laughed. He had seen how Caroline Forbes had acted before, and it came as no surprise she would act cold towards him. She was definitely someone who wasn't afraid to tell others what she was thinking, let alone think if her words would cause accidental hurt, he noted.

"That, or you can call me Kol Mikaelson. Also known as the younger, more good looking brother of the Mikaelsons. " Kol stated, his grin slowly turning to a smirk, when Caroline shook her head in disbelief at him.

"But of course, to you, I would be Klaus's brother and I also happen to be the one who got daggered, somehow thanks to you, last night." He continued, his eyes looking deeply into Caroline's.

"I know who you are. "Caroline replied. "But I want you to leave." She added harshly,

Kol chuckled. She was definitely an interesting one. It came as no surprise at how she was the object of fascination for Nik. What he couldn't understand was how Nik could stand her seemingly cold attitude. But like his brother, Kol happen to love challenges, and trying to get to know Caroline seems like a perfect opportunity for him in the dull town.

"Oh I would Caroline. But I'm afraid that your actions have caused me quite the trouble last night." Kol sighed, noticing how uncomfortable Caroline was, trying to ask him to leave with her eyes.

"Look, are you asking for my apology, which isn't meant for you? I mean, no offence, I don't even know you." Caroline said, exasperated at how dreadful the conversation was turning.

"I don't want an apology, sweet Caroline. I want to get to know you." The latter mused, enjoying how her eyes fluttered in confusion and despair as soon as he said that.

"What is up with you originals trying to get to know me? Can't a girl just spend some time thinking and drinking her coffee, which by the way is on the way right now." Caroline motioned to the bartender serving her drink.

She took a sip of her hot coffee, desperately trying to figure her exit from Kol. She didn't like the way his eyes rested on her as they weren't like Klaus. To Caroline, Klaus's eyes were kind, though passionate, but Kol's eyes were just filled with deception and control. As she put down her cup of coffee, she noticed how his eyes never left her face, as though he was scanning her features, monitoring her every reaction.

"Well, I just love spending time with young girls who loves coffee." Kol chuckled, enjoying Caroline's sudden emotion change which she gave away through her face.

Caroline rolled her eyes. Was this guy even serious? Klaus had been a sadist, but Kol was an opportunist. He was flirting with her, which he have no right to, him knowing how she hated the Original family. Somehow she wished Klaus was there to threaten to pull his livers out today, or better. Tyler ripping his head off so he would just leave her alone. But Kol didn't wanted to leave her alone. He was finally regaining momentum to knowing Nik's weakness. If Caroline was a weakness to Nik, she was a weakness to all of his siblings. It would be easy to say that Nik and Elijah are the dominant ones, but to call the rest of them weak would be an understatement. No one really knows that behind his complacent image, Kol actually thinks. But of course no one knew. Kol made sure no one knew so they wouldn't try to think like him and get pass through his intentions. His motivations.

While he was thinking and becoming lost in his own thoughts, Caroline quickly gulped down her still hot coffee, before taking out money from her purse and leaving it on the table. This would be a good time for her to leave and if she missed this chance, she was sure her conversation with Kol would just get weirder. Caroline stood up, grabbing her purse, before finally looking down to Kol.

"Well, this had been a nice chit-chat, but I got to get going. I don't like spending time with self-centered vampires." She whispered, trying to get Kol to understand her feelings, before stepping away from the table.

Kol however, grabbed her hand before she could leave. Shocked, Caroline gave a fierce glare to Kol, who smiled mockingly at her. Caroline didn't manage to slip out of his hands. He was strong, for someone who had been in a coffin for a very long time. Kol, sensing the pressure from Caroline's hands, closed in on her until their bodies were less than an inch from each other. The sudden intimate physical contact made Caroline nervous, thus making her at a loss and conceding to Kol's actions.

"I'll let you go this time, but don't you try to pull another stunt like yesterday night in the future. And let's not tell anyone of our little conversation, though I think you will anyway." Kol whispered back, this time his lips barely a few centimeters away from her ears.

"Wh-Why don't you just compel me then?" Caroline stuttered, still processing every word he said.

"Just so because I want you to remember how flustered you are right now, how you're not in control, and then having you lure another attack on my family, just because we had this little chit-chat, you called it?" Kol teased, this time pulling his face away from Caroline's ears before drawing it closer to her face.

Caroline quavered. It had not been okay when he pulled her body near to him, but to have his face inches away from hers was just ridiculous. Furthermore, every word that he had just mentioned didn't make any sense to her, and she couldn't help feeling he was taunting her. Kol marveled on how stunning she looked up close. She had been beautiful in his eyes, but up close, her beauty was phenomenal. He looked down at her lips, resisting the temptation to cup her face with his hands and curling his lips around hers. He hesitated if he should actually do it, before letting the young vampire go, an angry Nik being the main reason of his actions.

"Goodbye Caroline." Kol announced, walking away as though the conversation never took place.

Caroline looked around to see if anyone had notice, but the bar was almost empty except for a few bartenders who didn't seem like they would care. That had been the strangest conversation she had with anyone, and she realized she shouldn't tell anyone about it, like how Kol wanted her to. He must have had a reason to want her to tell someone, and she wouldn't want to play the game with his strums.

She decided that she would figure all this out on her own, before walking to her car to drive back home. Caroline forced a smile out of her. No way was she letting the Original family mess with her life. She would stay low and wary and if the time ever comes, she would fight. Caroline nodded her head with determination. A silent, but strong will stirring in her.

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