Chapter 3;

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It was 5:00 pm and Justin asked in Ari and me could come early.But we're running late cause Ari doesn't know what to wear.

"Just wear one of the outfits your dad bought you"

"Good idea"

She finally came up with her outfit.

"But mommy you're fussing at me and you don't even have your outfit on yet"

I chuckled "You're right"

I walked into my room and got dressed.

I walked out of my room and found Ariel playing with her toys.

"How do I look?"

She looked up at me and smiled

"You look great"

"Alright let's go"

We walked out the apartment and down the long hallway.We walked down the stairs and got into the car.

Once we got to the arena (Barclays Center),we had to find Pattie.

"Come on Ariel"

We walked into the front where Justin's fans were gathered at.


Ariel spotted her by some fans.She was taking pictures.Ariel somehow slipped out of my hands and ran to Pattie.She hugged onto her leg making Pattie look down at her.I saw Ariel pointing then Pattie motioned her hand for me to come.I walked up her and she hugged me.

"I missed you so much Casey."

"I missed you too"

"Come on,Justin's waiting for you"

We went inside then backstage.

"Justin's in his dressing room"

I nodded my head

"Come on Ariel let's go see daddy"

We found the door that said "Justin Bieber" on it.I knocked on the door then Justin answered.

"Hey,come in"

We walked inside and Justin closed the door behind us.

"Mommy i'm tired"

"Um,just lay on the couch"

And she did as I told her to.

"So what'sup?"Justin asked

"Nothing really.What about you?"

"Last day for my first leg of Believe Tour"

"Sounds nice.."

"Ryan's coming"

"Ry Ry?"


"I missed him so much."

"Just kidding he's not coming" Justin started laughing then I punched him the arm playfully.

"You did not just punch me"

"Maybe I did,maybe I didn't"

He starting tickling me and I started laughing.

"S-stop it"

I ended up falling on top of Justin.I got lost in his brown eyes,then our lips touched.There were sparks.It was long and passionate.


Justin was on stage performing having a good time.Ariel was dancing with Fredo.Then Justin started singing One Less Lonely Girl.I remember when he first wrote this song.I wonder what lucky girl gets to go on stage.One his back up dancers came up to me taking my hand and leading me on stage.ME?I'm the One Less Lonely Girl?Justin sat me in the chair.

I can fix up your broken heart

I can give you a brand new start

I can make you believe

I just wanna set one girl free to fall

She's free to fall (fall in love)

With me

My hearts locked and nowhere that I got the key

I'll take her and leave the world

With one less lonely girl

There's gonna be one less lonely girl

One less lonely girl

There's gonna be one less lonely girl

One less lonely girl

One less lonely girl

One less lonely girl

One less lonely girl

There's gonna be one less lonely girl

I'm gonna put you first

I'll show you what you're worth

If you let me inside your world

There's gonna be one less lonely girl

One less lonely girl

One less lonely girl

One less lonely girl

There's gonna be one less lonely girl

I'm gonna put you first

I'll show you what you're worth

If you let me inside your world

There's gonna be one less lonely girl

At the end of the song,he kissed my cheek which made the crowd go crazy.This made my whole week.

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