Chapter 2: A Lady's Choice & A Gentlemen's Decision

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As soon as she hit the ground she watched the archer run to her side to tie her up. He made quick work of the rope that he had pulled out of his quiver, securing her arms and legs with a secure knot that would be almost impossible for her to undo. It did beg the question of why he didn't just kill her while he had the chance instead of lifting her over his muscular shoulder and carrying her to a nearby abandoned building.

However, it didn't take long for Natasha to come around from the impact. As Clint knew, the Red Room have left her with an advanced immune system, decreasing her need for recovery by quite a fair amount, certainly a lot less than the American had expected as she was awake while she was still held over his broad shoulder. She did not move however, nor did she open her eyes to signify the fact that she awake. This was due to the fact that she was intrigued. She wanted to know what he'd do to her next; she wanted to test him. Although if she had wanted to move, it wouldn't have been beneficial given that her mobility was limited due to Clint's impressive tying techniques.

She was placed against a cold, wet wall and met with surprised eyes. Hers, however, were wide with intrigue and a small smirk danced upon her pale face as she noted the fact that he had underestimated the changes the Red Room had done to her. Yet he had his bow securely fastened between his fingers which he was undoubtedly going to use to kill her.

"I think you're supposed to buy a girl dinner before taking her to a derelict building," Natasha teased looking up at him.

"Oh, but you aren't just any ordinary girl are you Natalia Alinova Romanova?" he questioned with a smirk, walking a few feet away from her. He slowly reached over his shoulder into his quiver, pulling out a regular arrow, running his finger over the pointed end a few times before glancing down at her. "You see, Black Widows are deadly, and it's my job to exterminate them." His words were bitter and harsh and his eyes cold as they locked with hers, and she watched him load the arrow into his bow and pulled back the string, aiming it straight at her.

Yet she only flinched ever so slightly as he spoke her real name despite only knowing it due to the fact that she had regained some of the memories that the KGB had taken from her, but the fact that the American knew it was unnerving.

"If you were going to kill me you would have done it long ago," she purred. In some ways she resembled a cat more than a spider, and this was one of them. She liked to play, to wrap people so far around her fingers that they couldn't escape until she let them, by killing them of course. However, there was something different about the archer, something she liked, and she certainly did not want to kill him.

She watched him swallow nervously at her words but he didn't shift his position once. Her words quite obviously hit a spot that he wasn't quite willing to visit as his eyebrows furrowed together, and she awaited his retorted with a smirk.

"See, that's the difference between you and me," he spat, taking a small step closer, his arrow not faltering in its aim. "You want to kill, I don't. Especially not you." As soon as the words spilled out of his mouth, Natasha could tell that he regretted them, but that they were also true. There was something else that she didn't recognise in his tone also, but she planned to wait and find out what that was.

There was something about the archer's determination that Natasha somewhat admired, it was unlike anything she'd ever seen before. Yet she knew, despite being tied up, that verbally she had the upper hand in this situation. Her focus was now on being released from the bounds her limbs were in as her original target would have left, not that it would take long to locate him once again. When the American spoke the redhead kept all but her smirk neutral as not to betray anything, especially emotion. Emotion was weakness.

"Then don't," Natasha spoke in reply, her tone sultry and alluring, her voice almost a whisper as her eyes beckoned the agent to come closer. She let her voice linger over the last word, accent clear yet a subtlety compared to other elements.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2015 ⏰

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