Chapter 5 Sneaking Out For the First Time

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Laelani's POV

A week later when everything cooled down I got a phone call from Samantha asking if I wanted to hang out I told her yes since I haven't seen her in school and I wanted to see her and work out some things ,she came around 10o'clock which was pretty late I knew I wasn't allowed to go out at that time but I wanted to see her plus Lei has done it plenty of times why not try it for once, so I snuck out through the fire escape my dad built for me and I didn't bother to look back. 

Sam and I went to a 24/7 diner right around her house we talked about school, her family and what would our success in life be, then she took me to her house to meet her mom who was already up waiting in the kitchen, we talked about me and she said she was so happy for her daughter to have a friend like me yep a FRIEND a F R I E N D. 

I was hoping to be more but it'll take some time I guess.Her mom also joked and said it would be a shame if she'd let me go.When I arrived home it was probably 2am.Sam walked up to my door and kissed my cheek saying she hopes we get to do that again.

I open the door after I saw her drive away.Then I realized that I just snuck out had a wonderful time but it just didn't feel right.So I made my way up the stairs but to my suprise my sister sat one the first stair blocking my way up to my room. 

"Huh"I gasped

" So where have you been and what were you doing I mean I need to know at-least that since your coming home after 2 in the morning."she demanded

"I'm not telling you where i've been, can't I go out once in a while I never complain when you never came home for at-least two days" I argued

"Yeah well its different i'm-"

Your're what older than me my big sister.... my protector,Have you forgotton we're twins which means we're the same age " I interrupted her "When have you decided that, that's what you were supposed to act like that since mom and dad don't have time for us?" She didn't answer all she did was stare at me like I was crazy.

"You know what I can take care of my self."I yelled at her practically sobbing now. I didn't know what for maybe because I was so tired and frustrated so I just let it out until she came and enveloped me suddenly I felt the urged to be angry at her so I pushed her away and ran up to my room making sure to lock my door.

*Knock Knock*

"Go.... away.... Lei.... I know it's you"I sobbed

I heard her sigh then heard her footsteps leading towards her room slamming her door.

"I don't need her, I don't need nobody."I said into my pillow

Lei's POV

What the fucks going on with her is she starting her period I've never seen her so reckless and its s fucking stressful ever since we met that Sam guy... girl whatever the fuck she is Leilani's changing bit by bit.

" Come the fuck on" I said kicking my bean bag "What did I ever do to you all i'm trying to do is be a better sister I know we the same age but all I wanted to do was protect"I mumbled picking up a frame with a picture of my mom, dad and sister. 

"Those were the happy days"I sighed

I love my sister but right now it's hard for me to comprehend her she was always the quiet one the calm one but everything is maturing and I hate that shit and I don't think I can stop her from being who she's becoming.Wow still can't shake the fact that she snuck out out all the terrible kids it had to be my sister changing right in front of me. 

The suns is now shining brightly throughout ny room I'm guessing it about 1p.m I hate getting up.

"Uhhh can't deal with this"I grunted trying to pull the covers over my face because my automatic curtains starting opening and revealing the sunshine into my room."I've gotta change that setting time."

"It wasn't the timer it was me I needed a way to get you up i've been trying for a fifteen minutes now who would of thought that that was all i needed to do."The mysterious person chuckled

"WTF who is that?"I paniced afraid to open up my eyes.

"It's okay its me Leilani open your eyes for Christ sakes"She said calmly

"What are you doing in here are'nt you tired of stressing me out"I yawned and stretched

"Well number 1, I came to apologize and number 2 I never told you to be my guardian so I don't need you stressing or worrying about me"she said frustrated 

"But I guess you don't care huh?"

I didn't even bother to answer her question 

"Well lets hear the apology and you can get out and do what you have to do"I said matching her tone

"Psssh whatever,I didn't have to apologize anyway"she walking out with her apology.

"Wow you didn't have to be such a bitch"I screamed not caring if she heard it or not but she did cause she stop right in her tracks turned around like she was gonna kick my ass but she didn't.

"You know your such an a-"she started saying but instead responded with her middle finger.

Not believing what I just did I called Riley to come get me out of this troubled house.Half and hour later Riley pulled up into out long driveway and honked her horn signaling me she was here I hopped down stairs and bust through the door already feeling unclogged by the tension in the house.I ran to the car slammed the door and roll down the window stuck my head out and took deep breaths not because of my actions but because the car smelled like weed and stale ass sex which disgust me, when I stuck my head back in Riley looked at me confused since I never the problem with it before.

"What's up your mom's and pop's kicked you out"she said jokingly

"I just need some fresh air once in a while"

"Damn but you never act like this and most of the time my car smells like this I clean it on rare occasions"

"Well you needa clean it everyday if you want i can get one of the staff members to do it for you"I suggested

"Yeah that be tight but whats up with you you look like shit"

"well for one I stayed up all fucking night looking for my sister because she didn't have the common courtesy to tell me she was going out, number 2 we got into an argue when she finally came back home and last but not least she came into my room early as fuck to apologize to me then told me in the nicest way possible leave her the fuck alone and don't worry about her and that she could take care of her self and left without apologizing so I asked her why she was being so bitchy lately and she flipped and so did I so I called you so I could be stress free"I explained to her

"Woahh you called her a bitch wow major back breaker,I can't believe you would ever say that."

"I didn't mean to it just came out and it's all because of this Samantha chick"I grumbled despising her "Before she came around my sister was an angel now she's slowly but surely unfolding and showing her true colors and I don't know what to do"

"Well just give her sometime to forgive you and everything will be alright you and I both know she wouldn't never stay mad at you forever." Riley said patting me on my shoulder

"NOW let's het distressafide." She said passing me a joint she got out of her visor.

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