Beside You~5sos

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I've always felt so at peace when i sang, i felt like no one could ever bother me. My dream is too one day sing at Wembley Stadium, in front of thousands of people, and my boyfriend waiting off stage giving me a thumbs up. That will never happen though. I have to realize it. It's a dream that i DO NOT wanna let go, but soon i may have
Too. I major in finance because i have to take care of the money in my house. I have to know when to buy my little brother clothes, or if he wants a new toy. I have to know how much a month it is for my mom's therapy, and i have to pay the bills and buy groceries all in a limit of $200.
"Liz!" My mom yells from upstairs
"Yes,Mom" i shout
"Go out and buy me some vodka and rum."
"Mom, i'm only 18"
"Oh right,another reason why you're useless"
Wow,that hurt... But by now i'm used to it and it doesn't hurt as much.
"Mommy" William says coming in from the yard
"What the hell do you want" she slurs  as she walks down the steps.
"I.. I got a boo-boo in the yard"
"Go get a bandaid"
"Please mommy kiss it"
"NO you need to learn to grow up!"
I can't believe this woman, he's a child!
"Will" i say lowly
I bend down and kiss his arm
"All better?"
He shakes his head as he silently cries.
"Now go play with your NEW Lego's in the living room"
he gasps, hugs me and then DARTS to the living room
"alright mom, now i gotta take care of you now"
I turn around but she is already passed out .
I grab her arms and slowly pull her up the steps.
I get to her room and lay her on the bed.
"When will this end mom" i say silently
I walk downstairs and start to make dinner.

"Okay will, i am done dinner" i say putting his plate on the table
"Awww Lizzie, just a few more minutes please" he begs
"I made your favorite" still no answer
"Mac and cheese and bacon, with french fries"
As soon as i said Bacon i heard little feet darting towards the kitchen
"Yummy yummy" he says smiling
"Alright will i'm gonna go get mommy"
I go upstairs and see her leaning over her bed with a trash can.
"Ohh" i run over and hold her hair
"Thank you sweetie" she Says wiping her mouth.
"Your welcome, mom"
"Here" i say opening a drawer
I give her a little bag of crackers, and i hand her a glass of water.
"Just relax, i will finish everything".
I walk back down stairs , eat some dinner, clean up, and then go upstairs.
I grab my phone and turn on Spotify.
"YES!" My favorite song is playing!
"She sleeps alone my heart wants to come home i wish, i was , i wish i was, Beside you!" I sing
I get my camera, and put it on my stack of books and start to record.
Hi i'm Elizabeth Green, and i will be singing my favorite bands song, so here it is, 5 seconds of summer's song... Beside you.

I sing the song
I hope you all liked it, thank you for watching!
Wow my throat hurts now ,ugh!
Whenever i sing this song i get so passionate about it that my throat is gone for days.
I post the video and go put William to sleep.
Then i curl up in my bed, and drift to sleep to dream of Wembley

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2015 ⏰

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