A day spent with a friend

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*thump thump thump*

I groaned, bringing my pointer fingers up to my temples to rub the pounding away.

'Was that my head or the door?'

At the moment, I couldn't tell. My head hurts too much to know the difference. And the fact that my whole body is like a human oven and I'm covered in sweat-

*thump thump thump*

Okay that was definitely the door.

I rolled out of bed, landing (not so gracefully) on my feet and stumbled to the door. Okay, I'm pretty sure my room isn't suppose to tilt.

As soon as I opened the door, I leaned on the frame for support, and opened my droopy eyes on the small girl in front of me.

Her familiar green eyes lightened up and her rosy lips smiled "Hey Percy!"

I winced at her voice, either my ears are really sensitive or she's really loud at the moment.

I coughed into my bare shoulder, just remembering I forgot to put on a shirt. When I looked back at Rachel, her face was slightly red. I raised an eyebrow, "Have you seriously never seen a teenage boy shirtless?"

"W-well of course I have!"

"Then why is your face red?"

"Why are you shirtless?"

"I wasn't expecting to see anyone today."

"Well that's good, cause you look horrible."

I snorted at her pathetic attempt of changing the subject and her lame insult but I ignored it, "Thank you Captain Obvious. I totally didn't know that." I sneezed into my shoulder, my head getting whiplash from the sudden movement.

I felt a cold hand touch my forehead, "God your hot."

I smirked, "Why I already knew that, I'm glad you noticed though." She rolled her eyes, but I saw her smile just a bit. "Don't you have anyone to take care of you? Like a friend, or a brother..girlfriend maybe?"

I shook my head, "Nope, my friends are in...worst condition than I am. The only family I have is my mom but she's been busy with Paul, and no girlfriend, not even close." I chuckled but it ended up as a raspy cough.

She mumbled something I couldn't comprehend, but then suddenly pushed me into my room, slamming the door shut.


"I'm so sorry Percy! I didn't think I had pushed you that hard." She looked at me with wide, concern eyes all while trying to help me clean off my head.

Long story short she pushed me, I tripped and bam! Next thing you know the corner of my living room table is dented and blood is gushing from my head.

I flinched when she started putting on some ointment, which stung like fucking bee.

Before she touch my head again I grasped her hand, holding it away.

Through gritted teeth I said "Can you not put so much pressure on my damn head?" She nodded slowly, her eyes trained on my hand on hers, while her pale face is slowly turning a shade of pink. "Sorry." She mumbled. "I'll not to press hard."

The minutes later, my head was wrapped up in mummies toilet paper, gauze, and my headache multiplied by ten.

I laid down on my bed, the temperature in my apartment turned from desert hot to Antarctica cold. Honestly, I like the cold better, since my body was sweaty and sticky and well...hot.

Rachel did look out for me the whole day, making me and feeding my soup, gave me medicine, made sure I was comfortable. It was really nice having someone I look out for me because they cared, not like the people in the institute who did it because it gives them money.

Around nine thirty Rachel was getting ready to leave.

"Hey Rachel?" My voice croaked out. I may feel better but my throat was dry from the cracker so was eating.

She stopped just before closing the door, "Yeah?" I smiled slightly, and giving her a flyer, "There having a two for one special at Rolling Rocks. I was gonna save it for another time but since you helped me, here." She took the flyer/coupon in her hands and smiled. But then her u eyes widened and her head whipped up to look at me again, "You should go with me."

"W-what?" She took a step closer, "Come on Percy, it'll be fun. And besides, this is too make up for me taking care of you." I started at her, shocked at how reluctant she seemed. Well since she wants me to go.....

"Sure, why not."


Not edited.

I'm so sorry it took me so long to update, but it will most likely take this long for me to update, hope you guys under stand.


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