So She Likes Two Guys?

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Rachel came at exactly seven thirteen.

She was dressed in a vibrant green knit dress with leggings. Her hair seemed curled and it looked like she was wearing make-up.

"Hi Percy." She exclaimed when I opened the door. I smiled at her peppy mood, "Hey Rachel." As we were walking to Rolling Rocks, I found out it was a bad idea to invite Rachel.


"Yes Rachel."

"Do you like me?"

"Yes Rachel, your sweet and fun to be around."

"N-no. Er I mean thanks. But I mean, do you like me as in, would you want to date me?"

I stopped in my tracks, eyes wide open. I opened my mouth to answer but nothing came out, no words or sound. Rachel stopped a few steps ahead then turned to face me. Her eyes sparkled and gleamed, but Nico's eyes hold a galaxy. Her nose is sprinkled with orange dots all across her nose, which is cute. But Nico's is is like a clear canvas, no colored dots anywhere. She's small, average for a girl. It's cute for when she hugs a tall guy, her head will face the guy's chest. However with Nico, he's small to me, someone for me to protect.

Point is: Rachel is a catch, but Nico will forever be mine. And I with him.

"I'm sorry Rachel, but no." I finally croaked out. I shoved my hands deeper into my jacket pocket, averting my eyes down towards the sidewalk. I hear her sigh, with something I couldn't detect.

"There's somebody else, isn't there." I looked up instantly at her, and I saw her eyes brimming with tears. I nodded. "There's always been someone Rachel, I thought you knew." She nodded her head, "Um I have to go. Somewhere. I'll, uh." She sniffled and started to walk back to where we came from.

I watched her leave, debating whether I should call her or to let her be. But then my decision was made.

"Perc!" I moved my gaze from the back of Rachel's head to the familiar dark eyed pair of eyes. I smiled while walking over to him, "Hey Nico." He smirked while pulling my head down towards him. His soft lips met mine. When we pulled apart I felt my face warm up, "You have no idea how much I missed that." I pecked him once more before pulling away completely.

"So what brings you around here?" Nico smiled while chuckling, "Well Will called and-" I cut him off it placing my hand on his shoulder. "Will is here?" Nico nodded, and glanced behind me. "Yeah, he's actually coming right now." I turned and saw Will walking towards us.

I like Will, but he wasn't the only reason I didn't like what might happen. Because walking next beside him, who keeps kissing his cheek and holding onto his arm, is my neighbor;



Okay! I know I haven't been really publishing lately, but here's the deal; I'm going to start writing these in notebooks again so I can publish more frequently (and not so badly either) so, I hoped you somewhat enjoyed this and yeah....



Nico's Number One Fan (continuation from the original copy) (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now