The Fire Princess

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So this will be my first story on here,, and I’m slightly excited... I know this is completely weird for a guy to write,, but I’m not doing this alone here,, Mystery is right beside me,, helping me with all the ‘girl’ stuff... i’m just here for the big words and ‘boy’ stuff like violence,, not that Mystery couldn’t pull that off herself,, she awful mean!

-btw i’m just playing mystery is awful sweet(:-

anyway here is my first story... i hope you enjoy please tell me what you think?

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-the fire princess-


I looked around my surrounds trying to figure out, just were I was. This place seemed familiar, although I wasn’t sure how. I know that I’ve never been here before in my life. But somehow that thought seemed wrong. I was standing in a clearing in the middle of a dimly lit forest. I was standing in the direct center of the clearing. To my right was a surprisingly clear stream. You could see all the rocks at the bottom, shining in magnificent blues and purples. If I hadn’t been so scared I would have stopped to collect some. The clearing was filled with a type of flower I’ve never seen before. There were five delicate petals coming off the stem, and each petal was pointed. Each flower was a bright color, they ranged in colors, some were a teal blue while others were green, not green like the stem, but an emerald green. Each flower was extraordinarily beautiful, but there was one that drew me to it. It was a shiny gold color, unlike any gold I’ve ever seen. I wanted to pluck it and take it home with me, but something told me not to.

I suddenly got this strange feeling of dread wash over me.

‘princess, you should not be here.’ a menacing voice snarled at me. My eyes snapped away from the golden flower to the voice. What I saw made the hair on my neck prickle. My hear started beating faster in my chest. Oh gosh.

‘little wee princess,, you should not be in the land of the dead. you too could become one of them’  the thing hissed at me. I closed my eyes, I couldn’t look at it any more. I could stand the death rolling off of it. I could sense it coming closer to me. I could feel all the life draining out of me. I wanted to die.

‘run princess run now!’ a different voice spoke to me, a soft angel like voice, a voice I have not heard in a long time. Was I going to die? Like her? Would I finally be with her again?

‘My darling! RUN!’ she screamed at me. So I did as I was told. I picked up my heavy floor-length dress and ran as fast as my legs would carry me. I couldn’t feel death anymore. I no longer wanted to die. I didn’t pay attention to were I was going I just ran. I ran faster, I wanted to escape this nightmare. The limbs of trees scraped my arms as I ran, drawing blood threw my sleeves but I didn’t care. I didn’t care that I was ruining my clothes. They could be mended. I didn’t care I was damaging myself. I could be mended too. I just wanted to escape.

‘little wee princess thinks she can run from me!' I heard the things deathly laughter. ‘next time run faster wee little princess!”  was the last thing  I heard as I fell into a black pit.

“NO!!!” I screamed as I fell.


so this is just a little taste of the mystery behind the story... so what do you think?? I’m not a hundred percent sure at how i feel about this part,, but ehh?? please tell me what you think of this??

also I’m not sure if I like the title,, if anyone has any suggestions please please let a bro know?




if you will.


The Fire PrincessWhere stories live. Discover now