Part 3

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The laptop screen shining brightly in front of him, over his face, making the dark circles under his eyes from exhaustion appeared clearly.

Words and picture had been viewed in front of him. Names of your friends and family members, anyone that would be suspected of doing all of this too. He had been staring at them for a whole two days, since you made your proceedings.

There wasn't much that he didn't know already about you. He couldn't deny that his heart clenched when he saw your name on the proceedings. He thought it was someone else, but it turned out to be you after all.

Squeezing the tiredness from his eyes, Jungkook sighed, arching his back. Who would be doing this to you?

He knew that you are pretty and cool, even after all of those years, he still thought the same. But still not to the point someone would actually stalker you.

He smiled to himself imagining how you would have reacted if you have heard him saying that.

You would have put your hand over your hip and glared at him, after flickering your hair backwards. You would have scolded him, telling him 'are you looking down on me?' The thought made him smile more. It was just like you, to react like this.

Yugyeom flashed in front of his mind, before his eyes. Him, holding your hands and going on dates with you. Yugyeom and you, hugging each other when you were crying, comforting you instead of him.

Jungkook imagined things that could possibly happen between the both of you over the 7 years he was away. It only led to his anger to rise to his ears as they reddened with heat. Something boiled in his chest, near his heart.


He cursed as he slapped himself, to get his attention back to his work. Shaking his head, he threw all the thoughts away. There was no time of thinking about your relationship status, when everything was a mess.

He had to solve this. He had to make sure that you were safe again. He couldn't think of his feelings toward you, at the moment.

Returning back to his mind, he looked at the flower bouquet, the red card and the book, which he actually started to read some of it.

Out of all the colors the stalker chose the purple flower. A strange choice. If a guy wanted to gift a flower to a girl, the first color that would cross his mind would be; red. And he knew well that your favorite color wasn't purple. So why would he give them to you?

Something is fishy.

Tilting his head to the side, Jungkook rubbed his lower lip with his thumb, thinking what it could possible be. Something told Jungkook that the stalker wasn't a killer. The guy seemed harmless to him through. Except the creepy way of stalking you, which was illegal, he didn't make a move that showed he would kill you.

Returning back to all his messages, letters and gifts, they all seemed to be from a fan. More like a sasaeng fan. A fan who wanted his idol to himself. But you were a writer. Who would be so obvious over a writer?

Looking back at that particular note card, all those thoughts vanished away. This stalker actually wanted something from you.

Jungkook reached for the note card that annoyed him. All the messages and letters actually annoyed him. But this one said something Jungkook didn't understand, why this guy would write this. All his messages were mostly like; I will always be around you or can't you feel my heart? Or I'm being sincere, I really like you.

Aside from those this one said different words as if the guy wrote it when he was in anger state. The note card said: You are avoiding me! Just like she avoided him. I learned well, miss writer. Your end is going to be just like hers. Why did you use this? It's your fault.

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