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I knew there was something off when I woke of my own accord to voices arguing in one of the main rooms. Zayn was nowhere to be found, which seemed curious. I pushed myself up and ran a hand through my messy hair, eyes darting this way and that. The alarm clock read 8 a.m. and there was the scent of coffee in the air. I swung my legs around, feet hitting the cold, uneven floorboards. Slowly, I made my way over to the door and pulled it open.

The voices were coming from the main room. I paused for a moment passing the kitchen. Scarlett sat alone at the small table, her knees to her chest as she held a warm mug of coffee in her two hands. Her dark eyes glanced up at me, face holding no emotion. I realized suddenly I was still in my pants and fought the urge to blush. Embarrassed, I pressed on and took a few steps further, out of her line of sight and into the living room.

"You can't just up and decide to quit," Niall snapped.

"I'm not quitting. I'm just not doing any more bloody interviews. Were you not offended by what happened yesterday?"

"Of course I was, but it's not our place to step in and cause a scene."

"If we don't, then who the hell will?!" Louis spat.

"Scarlett is fine, Louis. She doesn't need you to come to her tribe's defense any time a small-minded Baptist makes a remark about her heritage."

"What's going on?" I finally cut in. Louis' face was darkening and Niall had a scowl I hadn't seen since the evening I'd showed up drunk to his lecture.

"We're switching jobs today," Louis informed me.

"No, you're not," Niall argued.

"Niall," Annalise warned from where she sat on the couch beside him, one leg crossed over the other and her chin resting in her hand. She looked exhausted, her red hair braided over one shoulder. She wore a peacoat and a periwinkle beanie, apparently ready to leave when these two finished having it out. "I'm sure Harry won't mind."

"It's the principle of the thing!" Niall replied. "We're not here to be Native American rights activists! We're here to figure out what's happening to these people and prevent it from going any further!"

"Great! Stick me on research then!" Louis shouted back.

"Okay, that's enough," Annalise declared, pushing herself up and placing her hands on her hips. For a girl no taller than 5'4'', she seemed far more intimidating than I had ever imagined possible. "Louis, you'll come with me today and Harry will help Niall with interviews on the reservation. Sorted."

Louis was the first to stand, crossing the room toward where I stood in the doorway. Without another word, he found his coat on a hook near the door and threw it on before stepping out into the bitter cold outside. Niall was still scowling on the couch, muttering to himself and casting looks at Annalise like this was the biggest betrayal to ever happen to him.

"This power trip of yours needs to end. And some sensitivity to these people's situation wouldn't hurt, either," she informed him sternly before taking her leave much like Louis had.

"I'll drop them off at the Town Hall, then. When I come back, I'll expect you'll be ready," Scarlett's voice sounded from behind me. She spoke like she was talking to Niall, but I knew the last bit of what she said was aimed at me. Niall grunted in response and Scarlett disappeared a moment later. It was just us.

"What the hell happened yesterday?" I asked, my curiosity getting the best of me. I reached up to scratch at a place on my scalp before using my fingers to flip some of the hair from my eyes.

"Nothing. Doesn't matter," Niall mumbled as he pushed himself up from the couch. "Just get dressed and try not to offend anyone."

I scowled at him as he pushed past me to the kitchen. I could hear him rummaging about, probably for a mug to pour coffee into. With a sigh, I turned on my heel and stalked back to my room. My bag was still sitting atop the dusty old trunk where I'd left it and I got to work searching through it for a pair of jeans and a jumper that seemed appropriate for the cold. I changed quickly before peering out the window for a quick weather report; overcast like it had been all week. It seemed a foreboding message.

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