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Scarlett was the first to step out of the truck, completely unfazed by Niall's hesitancy and my scrutiny of the large white sheepdog panting up at me from the tire. Whenever I moved to the other side of the bed to hop down, the dog followed. I stared down at it, willing it away, but it only sniffed at the air, probably sensing my discomfort.

"Alcatraz!" a woman's voice called loudly. My head turned to see a woman walking toward us down the driveway, one hand held up over her eyes to block the setting sun's rays. "Get over here!" she demanded. The dog immediately pushed from the tire and trotted over to her. She leaned down and got a good grip on his collar, holding him as he tried to pull away when Niall finally pushed open the passenger door. Scarlett was already halfway to her.

I watched with my hands shoved in my pockets as Scarlett leaned over and pet the dog good-naturedly before she stood to embrace the woman. When they pulled away, the woman turned her gaze to us.

"Niabi, these are two of the researchers my grandfather decided to bring in. Niall and Harry," she introduced us each in turn. I offered a timid wave as Niall surged forward to shake the woman's hand. She took it with a laugh, glancing over at Scarlett as if to ask if this was normal.

"Why don't you come in for dinner? I always make too much," she offered. Niall exhaled in relief.

"No one else will even let us through their doors," he told her.

"You'll find I'm not as close-minded as some of my people," Niabi answered easily with a half-smile. She released her grip on the dog to stand and lead the way back to where I could see the side of a house peeking through the foliage. Immediately, the sheepdog took off in my direction and I stepped back.

"Don't mind Alcatraz," she called over her shoulder to me. "His worst attribute is his inability to hold his licker."

As if on cue, the dog skidded to a stop at my feet and surged his head forward, tongue out to lap at my fingers. Slightly taken aback, I patted at its head before confidently taking my first step forward. Alcatraz seemed content enough to trot at my side.

The driveway wound around a bend that finally revealed the house. It was newer in its make than the rest we had seen that day, well taken care of with a blooming garden of flowers lining the sides. Niabi led us up the white painted front steps, past a bench and in through a screen door. Immediately, I was overwhelmed by the smell of roast and vegetables. My stomach growled of its own accord and Niabi laughed. "We'll take care of that," she winked at me before turning and heading into the kitchen.

Unsure as to whether or not to follow, I took my cue from Niall, who busied himself by taking inventory of the living room. The floorboards creaked beneath the weight of his feet as he wove around furniture, picking up trinkets and running his fingers along shelves, motes of dust floating in their wake. Alcatraz watched him from a blue couch in the center of the room, brows rising with each movement he made.

Frozen, I stood in the entryway. The soft sound of women's voices could be heard in the other room, but I felt unwelcome no matter where I stood. Despite Niabi's initial friendliness, there was a pit of dread hollowed out in my stomach. The thick tendrils of homesickness wrapped suddenly around me.

"Harry, would you like to help us set the table?" Niabi called from the kitchen, and I turned instinctively at the sound. She had a concerned look on her face, and I realized I must've been caught. Face flushed, I agreed.

I slipped my boots off by the front door, carefully scooting them out of the way before folding my coat and setting it atop them. With the oven on, the house had become quite warm. Rolling up my sleeves, I returned to the kitchen where Niabi was chatting away with Scarlett, who was pulling down glasses from a cabinet like she lived there herself.

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