so yeah im actully really afride going back to school because just this summer i came out to my gardians that i am bisexual, also i have grown a semmi big crush on one of my closest friends that happens to be a girl that happens to be shy about dating and stuff. and i'll tell you guys some reasons that made me have a crush on her.
1. after we finished making/cleaning the FAQ ( home cooking ) and when we sat down around our FAQ kitchen my ' crush ' would come over to my groups kitchen and plop right onto my lap if im sitting down, and if im not sitting down she would still come over and wiggle into my arms and just stand there. ( Me, my 1# friend, and my ' crush ' had the same FAQ class together 1# Period, A-day )
2. she's shy as fuck and it's really hard to not like her, yet when you make her mad. Or . Make one of her friends sad, she will fucking kill you or guilt you to death. not kidding i'm NUMBER ONE!!!!!!!!!!1 on her list to eather guilt or get yelled at.
3. me and my ' crush ' are the most dirtiest minded in out group of friends. not kidding she may seem shy and closed when you first meet her, but when she gets to know you she's fucking crazy and dirty as fucking shit!!!!
4. we both hate the same classes, LA, Math, and PE. ( me, my 1# friend, and my ' crush' have the same PE class at 6 Period, B-day )
5. we loved a lot of our same classes also like FAQ, lunch, scince and thats about it
and it doesn't help that i have a boyfriend ( who i will not name ), we both broke up on the last day of school last year because his parents didn't want him dating over the summer..... Well they really didn't want him dating over the school year at all but yeah..... he also has wattpad like me but he really isnt on it really but yeah........ school is coming really fast and i'm scared as fuck i know very well that my ' crush ' doesn't have wattpad but a few of my friends do so does my uh ( idk where we are really ).
plus i had 2 boyfriends through out last school year my first that school year i hooked up with him pretty really in the school year then i dumped him then like a month later or so we got back together, and i didn't even last a day so we broke it off but we remaind really good friends, then most of the school year whent pass and i got asked by the current boy i'm...... uh ...... with......
and it doesn't help at all that i got a story from him on wattpad pretty much saying that he misses me and can't wait to get back togethere.......
pretty much I'M CAUGHT BETWEEN TWO PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
the girl i have a HUGE crush on that i'm also pretty much she's straight 100%
my ' boyfriend ' that i broke up with on the last day of school last year!!!!!!!!!
X~X i need help badly!!!!!!!!!!!!
( P.S. i'm going to try and get a new phome like the Iphone 5S because my Iphone 5C is breaking down on me and it won't let me go on wattpad, or text anyone or recive text from anyone and its starting to not let me facetime with my female gardian or anyone else and its always rebooting and really slow )