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After we left the prison, we got in a flying van and I sat by Andor and watched him so he didn't fall off the seat. I looked over to see where everyone else sat. Martha cuddled by Steve, OMGitzFireFoxx and SynHD slept in the same seat, the wizard, Waglington, sat by himself, and CaptainSparklez was driving the ship-van thing. I figured that he would pilot because of his name, even though he was more of a rookie then a captain when came to flying.

"You not tired?" He said, finally seeing me looking at him.

"No- well, yes but I want to make sure he is safe on this ride." I looked at Andor while saying this.

He nodded, "He is important, isn't he."

"Of course. He is the only one who can rule now...Right?"

"Yeah. I have no clue where Helgrind went, no one does."

"Has anything happened while we've been gone?"

"Yeah, My La- Ianite has returned to the kingdom."

"My Lady?! She has returned?!" I said this without shouting at the top of my lungs.

"Wait, she is your lady too?"

"Yes, of course!"

"Well she has returned at is fixing the town as we speak."

I nodded and thought I needed to think about everything. But when I went to looked out the window, I saw goggles looking at me. I saw it and then it disappeared. I wanted to get up, but Andor was on my lap now so I let him lay there, even though I was blushing like crazy.

We were back just as the sun was leaving the sky, Sparklez parked it on the ground so Andor and I could get off. Steve helped us get down and we walked to Martha's house. I stayed close to Andor, even though I knew Martha and Steve. They laid us down in the extra room and we slept. I healed much faster then Andor, so I took care of him and made him feel better. We went to the kingdom and threw his boomerang around and laughed. It was what we did everyday for 2 weeks.

One day, Sparklez, SynHD, iiJeriichoii, OMGitzFireFoxx, Waglington, and Guard Tom had came over and had presents for us. Sparklez gave Andor a angel ring, SynHD gave me armor, Waglington made me a spell book with tons of new spells, Foxx gave us a cat, Jericho gave us meth, and Tom gave me cookies and pies! Sparklez made me close my eyes for my gift, he lead me somewhere far but when we got there I opened my eyes to see a room that looked like the End. And everyone shouted, "WELCOME HOME, SAMMIE!!" I was shocked, and I started tearing up, I thanked them for the new home and to my surprise there was another gift on the bed. I walked up to it and opened it and inside was a angel ring, I put it on and ender dragon wings formed. I was so happy, the happiest I've been in a long time.

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